Friday, February 17, 2023

Mid-February Report

 The "Fat Buds" are back ...

The Rose Garden along the waterfront walk.

In a friend's blog she said, while on her walk, she recently
 saw a lot of fat buds. I immediately knew what she meant,
 but it was my first time to hear them called "fat buds" ... 
Sure enough, here they are in the Rose Garden
Roses on the way!

Old and New
Google Lens tells me this is a Viburnum farreri shrub.
I am not sure.
First blooms are opening mid-February.

Definitely not buds, but pine cones.

Snaps along the walks ...

I keep a separate folder for start pics so 
it's easy to look back and compare

Light rain and few walkers.

⇛  As always, please enjoy a better view by clicking on the image.  ⇚

Parts of the walk path are lined with old wooden beams.
As they turn back to dust nature uses them to
host new plants.

Those trees seemed to frame up Mt Rainier
but the photo doesn't convey the way
it felt in person.

I see lots of people stopping for a moment of reflection.

The driftwood creates a bench.

Elliott Bay on the right, Grain Elevator on the left.
Downtown in the distance.

Mid-afternoon on a sunny day.

The only clouds in the sky were hugging Mt Rainier.
February 9th

Just a few days until this will look very different.

At first I considered the Grain Elevator
a giant monstrosity. After walking by it
daily for over 2 years, I kind of like it now.
It is an important part of the economy.

Ships ...

Early one morning.
Foss tugs await assignment.

Snapped this on the first morning with NO Fishing
vessels along the pier. They must be headed back
to Alaska.

The ALBA tie lines are a good place for birds to rest.

The ALBA is a bulk carrier registered in Panama.

NOAA ship at Pier 91.
Olympic Mountains in the distance.

A big MSC Container ship arrives in port
with tug assistance.

Coast Guard at work.
(Or, just having fun?)

Coast Guard seemed to be having 
training exercises on this very nice day.

Operated by Argosy Tours
Sightseeing cruises in and around Seattle

Definitely not a "ship" but couldn't resist adding
this sailboat. I don't see that many sailboats
on this part of Elliott Bay.

Birds ...
Canada Geese

One Canada Goose relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.

Black bird at rest.


Keeping an eye on me.
Critter lovers, be sure to check out
Saturday's Critters

Robins seem to enjoy the area along the waterfront.

Gull on a rock.
Well, what more can I say? 😊

Pretty sure this is a Cormorant.
But is it a Double-Crested or Great?
The white color has me wondering.

Another shot of the Cormorant.

Side by side of the Cormorant

The next 3 shots are ONE Anna's hummingbird ...

I couldn't believe my luck to see this little hummer
trying to impress me. He really put on a display.

Yes, the same bird ... not flexing his "feathers"

One more shot and he was gone.
Sunny day in early February.
Near the Rose Garden on the walk.

Skies ...

The day had been sunny but
clouds are rolling in from the west.

Colorful sunset on January 30, 2023

Sunny day, looking west over Puget Sound to
Bainbridge Island and the Olympics in the distance.
A lucky few have waterfront homes on the Island.

Snapped on a rare late afternoon walk
February 9th

Always tempting.

Closing thought ...

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...