Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rose Bowl Special

From our collection of Railroad Memorabilia ...

On this day 71 years ago, the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team had completed their 1940 regular season with an 8 - 1 record and they were headed to their very first bowl appearance in the granddaddy of them all ... the Rose Bowl. The Athletic Department of the University of Nebraska arranged travel for the team from Lincoln to Los Angeles on special trains. Here we have the dinner menu prepared by the Burlington Railroad for the special occasion. Be sure to click on the pictures for a full size view, easier to read and catch the details.

Did you notice that for the Burlington Select Dinner the "Price Opposite Entree Is Cost of Complete Meal". How about a Grilled Dinner Steak and all the trimmings for $1.50?

Of course, a la Carte was also available ...

The back cover has some nice info on the Burlington Route trains.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Delicious Northern Pacific Breakfast

From our collection of Railroad Memorabilia ....

A postcard issued by the Northern Pacific Railroad in April, 1936. They were probably handed out in the dining car and patrons were encouraged to "Mail to a friend at home".  Chilled cantaloupe, "N.P. Little Pig" sausages, hot griddle cakes, maple syrup, and a pot of coffee ... all for 75 cents. Now THAT was back when a dollar was a dollar!  If we can believe the code printed on the card, five thousand were printed in April, 1936. Wonder how many are still out there?

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Begins

Here, at last ... Winter! Last night we observed the winter solstice and so today is the first full day of winter. Here at the Island we always welcome the cool freshness of winter. For those who are less enthusiastic about this season the good news is that the days are now getting longer and we are on our way back to summer delights. In the meantime, we would like to wish all our followers and visitors a fine holiday season!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Northwest Fall

A few fall photos from the rain city.

Beauty in the concrete jungle.

Yes, we really do have the bluest skies ... just a matter of timing.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island!

Friday, November 25, 2011

100 Years Ago

No, it hasn't been 100 years since my last post, but it seems that way, doesn't it? Thank you for stopping by John's Island once again.

Going through the collection here turned up this Almanac from 1911. Found the cover to be somewhat amusing. Like they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Wonder if anybody has a bottle of Dr. Morses's Indian Root pills still around, and if so, has it reached the "expiration" date?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

To The Yukon!

Hello followers, friends, and visitors and welcome to John's Island. Those of you who know our founder know that he is a train nut, aka "railfan", and also a fan of big ships and ocean travel. The opportunity to combine those interests occurred this past summer and we would like to share some of the memories. We are in Skagway, Alaska (via Princess Lines Sapphire) and taking the White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad into Canada. It sounds like a long trip but actually only takes about 1.5 hours (3 hours round trip from Skagway.) The interesting thing about this journey is that it follows one of the routes used by miners to reach the area of the great Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1800s. The photo above shows the train along one of the piers in Skagway where cruise ships dock. It's just a short walk from ship to board the train. 

The WP&YR Route provides a nicely done map and brochure describing the trip and one of these will be available as you board the train.

So, here we go, up to White Pass and the border between Alaska, USA, and British Columbia, Canada. We will let the scenery speak for itself, with just a few comments. Be sure to click on the photos for larger views.

Below:  After climbing into the mountains for a while and now looking back toward our point of origin. If you have really good vision, or a pair of binoculars, on this day cruise ships could be seen down in the port -- middle of the picture.

Passengers are allowed on the platforms between cars to take open-air photos.

Another portion of the trail can be seen across the valley.

Below: Still climbing ... looking down, you can see where the train was a few minutes ago.

There are several tunnels on the line. The fascinating thing is that they appear to be carved out of solid rock.

Below:  This steel cantilever bridge is quite a story of its own and was the tallest of its kind in the world when it was constructed in 1901. As you can see, it is no longer in use and the new bridge is visible in another photo.

In the photos below: The famous Trail of 98.  Read more about the Gold Rush here.

Top of the Pass and Canadian - US border. Now, those of you still reading will know that our title here is not exactly correct. At the border here one enters the Province of British Columbia ... the Yukon Territory is still further, but yes, this is the Yukon Route!

At this point we switch sides of the train so everyone gets a fair view of the scenery either coming up or going back down. The engine is brought around and will now lead us back down to Skagway. Some shots of the scenery on the way down follow.  We were told that this was an exceptionally clear air day, but there were thin clouds above.

Approaching the end of our journey it seems fitting to feature a shot of caboose 901 in the yard near town.

And finally, back to the Sapphire Princess. Thanks for going along and hope you enjoyed the rail / sea adventure. Read more about WP & YR here.

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

Coastal Adventure Fall 2024 The images below are all in order, starting with departure from Los Angeles Union Station northward toward Seatt...