Sunday, February 18, 2018

Yellowstone and More

Welcome to John's Island

Continuing from our last week's post, three more lantern slides of Yellowstone National Park. Please see our previous post for background information on lantern slides.

Label: Driveway Along Firehole River
Lantern slide by Haynes

Label: National Park Mountain
Yellowstone National Park
Lantern slide by Haynes

Label: Typical Camp Lobby
Yellowstone National Park
Lantern Slide by Haynes
Here's how the box of lantern slides looks and the Notice to Operator in top of box ...

More lantern slides on future posts.

Sky Watch

February 12th  6:12 PM
All of these sky watch photos are taken from Seattle looking out to the west over Puget Sound. The mountains in the far distance are the Olympic Mountains. In some photos only the land just on the other side of the Sound is visible ... that is Bainbridge Island.

February 17th  5:21 PM
Did the birds get in the way?
Or, is the photo all about the birds?  : - )
More sky photos at Skywatch Friday. Thanks to Yogi for hosting.

February 17th  5:35 PM

Postcard for the Weekend

Happy Polar Bears
The theme this week at Postcards for the Weekend is "happiness/joy." This old Polar Bear card from Alaska brought on a smile. Don't they look happy? Thanks to Maria for hosting!

Love critters? We do and so we're linking up with Eileen's Saturday's Critters.  Thanks to Eileen for hosting the link up.
Back of the unused card.
"Alaskan Polar Bears"

Ship Watch

Tiger West, Operations tower.
Bulk Carrier
Anchored nearby. Photo: Feb 18 2018
Crew's quarters and the Bridge are in this tower.
Ship names continue to fascinate us.
Home Port - Hong Kong
How would you like living on this vessel for months at a time?
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Yellowstone Lantern Slides and More

Welcome to John's Island

Those of you who have followed us for a while will know that we collect Yellowstone National Park memorabilia. Postcards, books, brochures, stereo views, and even a few lantern slides. In the early 1900s tour companies were trying to attract tourists to the Park. They hired professional photographers to snap views in the park. The photos were made into glass lantern slides which were the precursor to film slides. Lantern slides got their name the device, known as a Magic Lantern, that was used to project the image onto a screen. The tour companies put on presentations where potential tourists were treated to slide shows featuring the wonders of Yellowstone. We selected three of our lantern slides to share below.

Camping in Yellowstone National Park
Can you guess the year?

A tourist looking into Beehive Geyser
Yellowstone National Park
Getting this close is no longer allowed and, really,
not too smart.

Picture from the web showing Beehive in eruption in 2013
Note tourists on bridge behind ... as close as they can get.

1936 White Motor Company Tour Busses
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel as it appears today.
Photo from the web.

The same three slides on the light box.

To give you an idea of the size.
Read more about Magic Lantern and slides

Something newer ...

Out for a walk last Sunday, February 4th ...

Note the moss on top of the sidewalk wall.
On the other hand ... blue skies and mild temps prevailed!

We think the neighbor's dog wanted to go along.
Love critters? We do and so we're linking up with Eileen's Saturday's Critters.  Thanks to Eileen for hosting the link up.

Our first spotting of daffodils blooming.
This seems early!

Early little bloomers in the neighborhood.

We didn't see the bee until reviewing
our photos.

Sky Watch

February 4th  5:15 PM
Looking over Puget Sound to the West
Tallest peak - The Brothers, Olympic Mountain Range

February 4th  4:42 PM

February 4th  5:11 PM

January 30th  4:47 PM
Linking up with Skywatch Friday  Thanks to Yogi for hosting the link up.

Last colorful glimpse ... Feb 4th  5:36 PM
Dark clouds above but clearing in the far west
created a colorful sunset.
Just yesterday ...

February 10th  7:33 AM
Morning sun just beginning to illuminate the Olympic Mountains
Mostly clear skies ... nice day ahead.

February 10th  5:21 PM
Sun peeking below clouds portends colorful sky to come.

February 10th  5:29 PM
More spectacular than anticipated!

February 10th  5:36 PM
Red sky at night ...
Beautiful end to a beautiful day!

Ship Watch
Hapag-Lloyd Ulsan Express
February 2nd  3:27 PM

OOCL Vancouver
January 27th  7:32 AM

February 4th  5:11 PM

January 30th  5:04 PM
Commuters passing at twilight.
Ferries crossing Puget Sound
Postcards for the Weekend

This week's theme at Postcards for the Weekend is "Love/Lovely." We think we found a card in our collection to share. Let us know what you think. Thanks to Maria for hosting the link up.

The Social Call by Bell Telephone
Guessing publication 1920, plus or minus a few years.
Wiki says candlestick phones 1890s to 1940

Back of the unused card.
One cent postage.

Publisher's logo enlarged.
American Telephone & Telegraph
(Yes, AT&T)

Signed by artist Bert Reneuf
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Thank You Maria!

Welcome to John's Island

This week's theme is "anything you wish" and imagine my surprise when I looked at Maria's Postcards for the Weekend to see that she is sharing the cards I gave her on her recent visit to America. Just loved that and wanted to thank her for posting the cards and for her kind words about them. I couldn't think of a better way to return the favor than to share some of the cool cards Maria has sent me. Here are just a few ...

Planting the rice Fields
Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia

Postmarked 23 Nov 2015

Map Postcard of Cambodia

Posted 31 Jan 2017

Singapore Philatelic Museum

Postmarked 17 Feb 2017

Snow much fun!

Postmarked 11 Dec 2017
Thank you Maria! And thanks for hosting Postcards for the Weekend!

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

Coastal Adventure Fall 2024 The images below are all in order, starting with departure from Los Angeles Union Station northward toward Seatt...