Sunday, February 4, 2018

Thank You Maria!

Welcome to John's Island

This week's theme is "anything you wish" and imagine my surprise when I looked at Maria's Postcards for the Weekend to see that she is sharing the cards I gave her on her recent visit to America. Just loved that and wanted to thank her for posting the cards and for her kind words about them. I couldn't think of a better way to return the favor than to share some of the cool cards Maria has sent me. Here are just a few ...

Planting the rice Fields
Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia

Postmarked 23 Nov 2015

Map Postcard of Cambodia

Posted 31 Jan 2017

Singapore Philatelic Museum

Postmarked 17 Feb 2017

Snow much fun!

Postmarked 11 Dec 2017
Thank you Maria! And thanks for hosting Postcards for the Weekend!


  1. It's nice to see your exchange of postcards. And these postcards are very interesting! Very exotic to me, as Cambodja and Singapur are far away from home. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Hello, the postcard exchange sounds like fun. Your cards from Cambodia are beautiful. Wonderful postcards for your collection. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  3. I need one of those conical hats for gardening here in the scorching South. Ah, who am I kidding? Like I'm going to do that! ;-)

    Loved seeing the cards on Maria's site too. It's a small world.

  4. Great variety of cards - and I recognize the snowy one! :)

  5. That is so nice that you two have exchanged post cards. : )

  6. Hobbies can be very satisfying. I don't have a collecting hobby but I've got lot of other things I do.

  7. Nice that you have had this post card exchange. Fun and satisfying, no doubt.

  8. Some very nice postcards, good exchange

  9. Hi John, beautiful and interesting postcard exchange.
    I appreciate so much your fine postcard collection!
    Many greetings from Turin!

  10. Oh wow! How cool, John! I totally have no recollection now of sending the first postcard to you. For the rest, I totally recall pieces of memories connected to when I sent those. Thank you very much for the back feature ;-)

  11. Most interesting cards, John. Cambodia brings back worrisome memories to me as a couple of fellow teachers and friends were with Vista as the war in Vietnam spilled over into Cambodia and we feared for their lived. They made it out and brought an adopted child with them...:)

  12. Very cool exchanging post cards like that.

  13. Aw. That's sweet, John. And so sweet of Maria to also share it. I would too. It's a cute and wonderful post card.


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