Sunday, January 28, 2018

Postcards [and More] for the Weekend

Welcome to John's Island.

One of the things I love about blogging is the way it allows me to tie together several of my hobbies. I enjoy photography, surfing the web, watching ships, journaling, and collecting vintage postcards and travel memorabilia. Those of you who collect, regardless of what it is, will know that after you build up your collection, your next challenge will be how to enjoy what you've put together. For example, I have dozens of vintage railroad travel brochures necessarily maintained in storage cabinets. I don't have a room big enough to put them all on display. So, what I've done is scan them into my computer where they are easy to look at and enjoy. In the blogosphere I found Maria's Postcards for the Weekend where postcard collectors share cards based on a weekly theme chosen by Maria. This week the theme is "mountains" ... a topic where I do have a few items to share. We'll start with mountain postcards ...

Greetings from Washington (yes, our home!)
Probably published 1940s or 50s,
by C P Johnston Co, Seattle, WA
Mt Rainier in the upper left corner!

Back of the unused card.
Note: Postage One Cent

Mount Rainier from Rickseekers Point
Rainier National Park
Card No. 238 - Probably from the 1920s or 30s

Back of the unused card.
Note: Postage WITHOUT message 1 cent,
WITH message 2 cents

A favorite "mountain" card.
Mount St Helens, prior to 1980, when she erupted.

Back of the unused card.
Domestic postage = One cent
Foreign = Two cents

Enlarged description from Mt St Helens postcard
A more recent photo of Mt. St. Helens

Another favorite "mountain" postcard
Published by Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railway
advertising their transcontinental train, the Olympian

Back of the unused card.
Probably published in the 1920s

A "winter" favorite in the mountains.
Art work of F. Reiss, well-known landscape artist.

Back of the card.
Postmark appears to be August 1, 1913
To see other neat "mountain" postcards check out Maria's Postcards for the Weekend. Thanks, Maria, for hosting!
Other vintage paper featuring mountains ...

Rainier National Park
Official Park Brochure
"Where you ENJOY yourself"
ca 1930s 

Great Northern Railway
Scenic Northwest Brochure
ca 1930s

A "calendar top" advertising the Milwaukee
Road's Olympian ... a transcontinental train
ca 1930s
"Electrified Over Four Mountain Ranges"

Ship Watch

Saturday morning, January 27, we noticed a new yacht
moored at the Marina. Looked her up on VesselFinder and discovered
she is the Delta 45.

A screen capture of Delta 45 from the website
Northrop and Johnson, a superyacht charter company.

A screen capture from VesselsValue website for Delta 45
Had to register to get value which we did not do.
Fun to note, though, that values, when shown, are in USD Millions

Traffic on the Sound
Foreground - Washington State Ferry Chimacum
Background - M S C Antalya
January 24th  9:47 AM

More traffic on the Sound
Far background - Submarine ... see enlargement below
Mid - Bulk Carrier Cactus K
Foreground - NOAA's Oscar Dyson

Surprising capture ... we actually did not see this sub until we
were putting the photos together for this post.
Subs are unusual in this part of Puget Sound

Cactus K
We like the name!

NOAA's Oscar Dyson is looking rusty!
Due to funding cut back for NOAA?
Sky Watch

A portion of a Sun Halo, aka Sun dog
January 22nd  3:43 PM
Sun Halo Info
Have you ever seen a sun halo?

Winter sunset.
January 22nd  4:36 PM
Enjoy more sky photos at Skywatch Friday and thanks to Yogi for hosting.

Circling Year Calendar for February ...

Now, if you sense there has been an error because the calendar below is for 1917 ... yes, we know that. Old calendars fascinate us, however, and especially so when the old days line up with the current year. Enjoy the thoughts ... we've repeated them under each page in the caption. (We started sharing the Circling Year Calendar 1917 in our Monday, January 15th post.)

January 28th through February 10
True Nobility
To be good is noble but to teach others how to be good
is nobler -- and less trouble.  Mark Twain

February 11 through 24th
My Symphony
To live content with small means -- to seek elegance rather
than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion -- to be worthy,
not respectable and wealthy, not rich -- to study hard, think quietly,
talk gently, act frankly -- to listen to stars and birds, to babes and
sages, with open heart -- to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely,
await occasions hurry never -- in a word to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious -- grow up through the common -- this
is to be my symphony.   William Henry Channing

February 25 through March 10
The Daily Duty
I have never had a policy.
I have simply tried to do what seemed best
each day as each day came.   Lincoln
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I like the scenic Northwest postcard and, my goodness, that yacht!

  2. What a huge post! You have lots to do with ships skies and post cards.

    1. Thank you Red. Yes, I'm wondering if it is getting to be too much?.

  3. A sub! Whose? I am guessing ours since it was just out there being seen.

    Love the Channing quote. Very wise.

    1. Hi Sandi, I think you are right about the sub. I added a reply about it below. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  4. You must have quite the collection of memorabilia. Sun halos or as I know them, sundog,are quite common here, especially in winter.

    1. Hi Ruth, Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. And thank you for mentioning the other name for sun halos. I added a link about that under my photo.

  5. Lovely old postcards! And lovely skies too.

  6. Thank you very much for these beautiful vintage postcards of Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and the Olympian Mountain Ranges. You've made me recollect lovely memories of seeing the icy peak of Mt. Rainier when I was in Washington back in Oct. Have a great week ahead, John!

    1. Hi Maria, Thank you for your kind comment. Based on your comment last week I knew you would not be surprised to see those cards featuring Mt Rainier. :-) Thanks again for hosting Postcards for the Weekend!

  7. I love your postcards, John, the vintage view of the mountains (Thanks for the link to the current view of Mt. St. Helens, too!). sometimes, when I travel, I choose these vintage (or vintage-like) postcards to send to my friends.

    1. Hi Eva, Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment. Glad you enjoyed that current view of Mt St Helens too!

  8. Hello, you have an awesome postcard collection. Beautiful sky captures and a pretty rainbow. Neat sighting of the sub! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

    1. Hi Eileen, Always nice to see you here and thanks for the kind comment!

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Mac, Yes, I do know that and thank you for stopping by!

  10. What a fun collection! I was taken aback by the submarine, but otherwise it all seemed pretty normal. I have indeed seen sun halos and sundogs. Great captures, John. I always enjoy seeing you here. :-)

    1. Always nice to see you DJan. Thank you, as always, for your kind comment.

  11. Regarding the submarine and who it belongs to: Almost certainly it's a part of the US Navy. There is not a way -- that I'm aware of -- to ID military vessels, especially at the distance that sub was from my window. Most military vessels do not transmit location/position information for use by civilians -- for obvious security reasons. Commercial and pleasure craft often do transmit the information that websites, like VesselFinder, use to track them.

  12. What a fabulous collection of post cards you have. It is always nice to see some of your collection.

  13. Hello There John, Your photos are always amazing, but I have to say that I enjoy the postcards so much. When I was a child we traveled these United States a lot and those vintage postcards bring back happy childhood memories:)

  14. Hello John, I always enjoy so much your fine postcard collection!
    Another bautiful post indeed.
    Greetings from Turin!

  15. Fascinating though the card and references to Mount Saint Helens struck a small nerve. My spouse suffers from panic attacks in high precipitous places. Thus on camping fly fishing trip to Montana I chose our routes very very carefully. Visiting my cousin in Portland and on our way o Vancouver Island we were very close to the famous volcano. She vetoed it and we drove on by. My geologically inclined earth science teacher to me I had missed one of the new Wonder of North America...:(

  16. Quite a blog you have John. Love the vintage postcards of our lovely mountains. Also I do like seeing sun dogs and halos. Good blog

  17. You have a lot of great items John! I especially like the old postcards. They look art to me.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....