Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hummers at Sunset

The sky near sunset, July 18, 2020
Sitting out on the deck watching the hummingbirds.

The glow of sunset seemed to give a heavenly look
to the little hummingbird.

Hummingbirds like to feed in the evening.

Linking up today with Saturday's Critters. Thanks, Eileen, for hosting!

And more hummers ...

Note: I don't claim any kind of perfection on the photos below. They are nothing like the ones you can see at Audubon  However, they are not too bad for a novice at snapping pics of hummingbirds. I like the photos for helping me ID the birds, which isn't quite as simple as it might seem.

I like it when they settle down at the feeder and
relax while dining.

What I like here is the color of the feathers
being almost luminescent.

At first I thought this was a Ruby-throated ... but
now I think it is an Anna's

There are moments when they seem
totally at rest.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sunday Walk

Starting my walk on the Elliott Bay Trail.
The Trail goes along the waterfront south of downtown Seattle.
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sky is mostly blue and temperature about perfect.
I like walking here as it gets me a little closer to the
big ships I enjoy seeing. This one is the Coastal Trader
fishing vessel docked at Pier 90.

Mt Rainier beyond the Port's Freight Terminal
Looking south from the Trail

Pretty clear look at the big mountain.
Mt Rainier, Washington, USA
Our air/sky has been cleaner/clearer this summer.
Less pollution due to COVID-19 lockdown?

"Cerba" Bulk Carrier docked at Pier 86 Grain Terminal
Downtown in left distance.
This is one of the West Coast's major Grain Terminals.

The green beauty of the Pacific Northwest stays with us
all year.

Another look at Cerba ... note the
"Free Fall Lifeboat" on the aft.
(See YouTube video at bottom)

Great morning for a walk and not that many
folks out this early (around 7 AM)

The Cerba is being loaded with grain from the terminal.
I expected to see the Captain standing out on the bridge wing
enjoying a cup of coffee ... but no joy.

Drawing of Pier 86 Grain Terminal
on a sign nearby.
The grain comes in on trains and is stored in the terminal
until it gets loaded on ships.

Had to take a second look at this scene.
See next photo.

Nest boxes for Purple Martins
I am curious about who installed these.
Whoever ... Thank you.

Cerba departed Seattle Sunday evening.
The screen shot above shows her location
as of Monday morning July 20.
She is headed to Tokyo.

Pretty cool video of how a Free Fall Lifeboat is launched from a ship. Would you get a kick out of being aboard launch?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ro-Ro MV Themis

First time for me to see this Ro-Ro rolling by ...

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ro-Ro Northbound July 11, 2020
Puget Sound, near Seattle, Washington

The vessel spotted is MV Themis, owned and operated by Wallenius Wihlelmsen of Norway. The ship is enroute to Tokyo, Japan. After spotting the Themis on July 11, I checked its position on morning of the 12th via MarineTraffic ...

The Themis is on its way to Yokohama, Japan from Tacoma, Washington, USA
After leaving Tacoma on July 11 its ETA Yokohama is July 27.
It fascinates me the voyage will take 16 days.

Spotting the Ro-Ro (Roll-on Roll-off Vehicle Carrier) on July 11 led to  some interesting information and photos on WW's website. The following images are screenshots from their WEBSITE.

Close look at the Themis
Read about MV Themis winning Panama Canal Environmental Award 2019 HERE.

Wallenius Wilhelmsen, headquartered in Oslo, Norway, is a transporter of various kinds of vehicles and associated logistics.

A list of Wallenius Wilhelmsen's vessels can be found HERE. I hope to see more of them in the future.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Freighter Cruise to the Rescue

Quoting from my post, here on the blog, Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Freighter Cruising the Ocean

For those of you who have been following the blog, perhaps you have read our profile. One of the included interests is "ocean shipping".  Perhaps you may have interpreted that to mean we like spending time on ships ... cruise ships. Correct, but more than that we would like to spend time on a Freighter Cruise. Unknown to many, freighter ships have room for a very few passengers ... usually 10 or less. There is no fancy entertainment! However, the reports are that the food is excellent, accommodations are adequate, and the ports-of-call are amazing. Freighter ships can often get into smaller ports than larger cruise ships. Getting away from the tourist attractions can give you a more realistic view of what some parts of the world are like."

Fast forward to today ...

During the current "lockdown" I've been watching more YouTube videos than ever. I just discovered Eva zu Beck's vlog and her June 28th post, 14 Days on a CARGO SHIP During the Pandemic. What a fascinating story of her voyage on a freighter. Enjoy!

Tomorrow ... Curiously enough, my post tomorrow will be about a cargo ship, a vehicle carrier, which I spotted on July 11. The ship is currently enroute to Yokohama, Japan.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

108 Years Before Twitter

Here it is, a screen snap of the very first tweet on Twitter, sent by Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006 ...

Here is what Wikipedia says about Twitter ...

Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Just in case you need to know more about Twitter, click on the link and read all about it.

108 years earlier, in 1898, a company called Postal Telegraph-Cable Company would send a FREE digital message of 20 words, also known as a TELEGRAM, if you applied one of the stamps shown below on your message. (You remember telegrams, don't you?)

From my collection of old stuff, here's how it looks ...

Booklet of Stamps for use in 1898
Personal and Social Messages Only
signed by J P Randall

Open the booklet to see Conditions and Stamps

The conditions are pretty specific  …

            These stamps cover ONLY THE PERSONAL AND SOCIAL MESSAGES of the holder and must not be used for BUSINESS OR POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONS. They must not be USED BY nor FOR any other than the person to whom they are issued. If offered by any other person, Managers will take up the frank and collect regular tolls.
            A stamp must be affixed to every message containing twenty words or less, not including address, date or signature; and an additional stamp for every additional twenty words or fraction thereof. Answers may be franked by affixing the stamps as above.
            The recipient of these stamps, by accepting and using them, assumes all risks, and agrees that the Telegraph Company shall not be liable for damages, whether from negligence of Agents or from whatever cause arising.
            This frank is issued subject to Section V, of Article XIII, Revised Constitution, State of New York.

Stamps are about the size of regular US Postage Stamps

Good for One Message of 20 Words

Perhaps these stamps were sort of like today's Gift Cards. Telegrams were EXPENSIVE to send but these stamps appear to be FREE as they are marked COMPLIMENTARY FRANK. By the way, Twitter is also FREE but the message may arrive a little bit faster today. On the other hand, no computer was required in 1898.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Friday, July 17, 2020

How to Social Distance

The Lonian in Seattle.

Lonian Yacht
at anchor, Seattle, WA, USA
July 12, 2020

This is a little bit unusual. I don't often see the larger private yachts at anchor right out by the Marina. I have seen them docked INSIDE the Marina a few times. I wonder if they are anchored out due to health restrictions.

Lonian position via MarineTraffic on July 12, 2020
Via Google:
Lonian yacht

Featured snippet from the web

Lonian Yacht. The 87m Lonian yacht was built in 2018 by Feadship. She features an exterior design by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design and an interior by Richard Hallberg Interior Design and Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design . She can sleep up to 12 guests taken care of by a crew of 27.
Gross tonnage: 2691
Beam: 13.8m (45'3")

The "little boaters" like to cruise by slowly.

This is a nice way to "social distance" if you can afford it. Clearly, I cannot. Note the description above says "she can sleep up to 12 guests" but I'm fairly sure you can go alone, if you wish. 😎  I'm also a little curious about the expenses related to the crew of 27.

Even more photos and info HERE.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Recently in Seattle

A few images ... all taken from home ...

Today - July 14, 2020
July 14, 2020  5:49 AM
UNUSUAL - 2 Freighters in view in line.
Both are northbound.
The distant vessel departed Tacoma, WA earlier.
The near vessel departed Port of Seattle Freight Terminal
about 5 AM.

SM Line has an excellent website HERE.

July 14, 2020
I'm seeing SM Line Shipping vessels more frequently lately.
Based in Busan, South Korea, SM recently entered partnership
with 2M Alliance (Maersk, MSC)
This view is looking almost due west from home.
Olympic Mountains in the distance.
The nearest land beyond the ship is Bainbridge Island, WA

For those of you who are new to John's Island here's a brief intro:  I've been blogging for about 10 years now. This blog is a sort of digital journal for me. I enjoy photography and using it to capture images so I can keep a record of interesting things I've seen and places I've visited. I also enjoy watching all the maritime activity out on Puget Sound, part of the waterway that connects Seattle to the Pacific Ocean. The Elliott Bay part of Puget Sound is right out my front window. My favorite photo subjects are big ships, nature scenes, and especially the ever changing skies.

March 5, 2020
NYK Line arriving

It is unusual for a container ship to anchor overnight out by the Marina. They usually go directly to the freight terminal for unloading and loading.

Night and Day
May 29, 2020
Left ... 4:43 AM
Right ... 5:50 AM
NYK Line freighter at anchor near Elliott Bay Marina

Mixed maritime ...

COSCO freighter arriving.
Bulk carrier anchored ... to the right.
Elliott Bay Marina at bottom ... 1000+ sailboats
July 3, 2020

Some ships still departing with a fairly good load of containers.

March 14, 2020

While the water has been rough at times, the skies continue to be beautiful at times as well.

February 29, 2020

March 7, 2020

March 8, 2020

Caught a great LIGHT PILLAR on March 14th

March 14, 2020
6:58 PM - Almost due west from home.

I put up a feeder for the hummingbirds. Love watching these little birds!

July 3, 2020

I know some will fault me for catching them at the feeder ...
it is pretty easy. But these little birds are fast.
I Googled "how fast hummingbirds can fly" and got 49 MPH. Wow!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Half Way

Editorial Notes

I gave this post the title, Half Way, referring to the fact that we’re now a little more than half way through 2020. In the ten years I’ve been blogging I’ve averaged about 80 posts-a-year. So far, this year has been below average. I’ll attribute that partially to the pandemic, because, instead of digitally posting here on the blog, I've been keeping a written journal documenting the evolving story of Covid-19 as seen through the eyes of one living in Seattle, where the first case of the virus was discovered. I've been tracking the numbers globally, for the USA, and for Washington State, on a daily basis, via the Coronavirus COVID-19 Dashboard from John Hopkins University. The stuff I normally blog about hasn’t really changed much. I’m still watching the ships come and go, enjoying the maritime activity out there in Puget Sound, watching the ever-changing skies, reading and listening to books, watching a few videos, and trying to keep all my devices charged and up-to-date with the latest software.

I recall watching the evening news on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, and hearing about the first case of Wuhan coronavirus being discovered here in Washington State ... virtually in my backyard. (Watch that newscast HERE) In just a few days 6 months will have passed and Covid-19 has turned out to be much worse than I initially anticipated. Sadly, the response of the United States Federal Government has been pathetic. The same is true for some of the States. I expect things to get worse before getting better.  

In my last post I asked those who wanted to leave a comment to tell me how they were doing and contending with the pandemic. It was great to hear from so many about how things have been going for them. So, I hope that will happen again. Tell me how you are. I'm much more interested in how you are doing than in kudos for John's Island. It really seems like Covid-19 is affecting everyone in some way or another. As for me, it mostly means wearing a mask when out in public, using a lot of hand sanitizer, and keeping my social distance when appropriate. I don’t really like wearing a mask but I do it, not so much to keep me safe, but to set a good example and hope others will wear a mask. I know that my greatest chance of getting infected is from someone, who may be asymptomatic and not even know they’re sick, who is not wearing a mask and, in some way, gets close enough to me to spread the dreaded virus.

The thing I'm missing most, this year, is not being able to get out on the ocean on a big ship. The first photo above is one of my favorite shots from a cruise last fall. Every day on that cruise I walked 3 miles on the promenade deck ... around and around ... one time around the ship was a quarter mile. I recall stopping to snap that photo as we were nearing a port in Mexico.

In the coming days I'll be publishing some posts that have been "in the works" for a while. The usual ships and skies stuff ... and a few new discoveries as well. A couple of typical scenes are below.

Dramatic sunset February 29

Freighter ships have been coming and going with substantially reduced amount of cargo. I think I really started to notice the difference in March. Is it Coronavirus related? I don't know.

March 11, 2020
Hapag-Lloyd arriving with exceptionally small number of containers.

Better late than never ...

I'm closing with a tribute I intended to publish on July 4th.

From my postcard collection ...
Two Beauties
Postmarked 1906
Happy Birthday America

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

Coastal Adventure Fall 2024 The images below are all in order, starting with departure from Los Angeles Union Station northward toward Seatt...