Sunday, July 19, 2020

Freighter Cruise to the Rescue

Quoting from my post, here on the blog, Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Freighter Cruising the Ocean

For those of you who have been following the blog, perhaps you have read our profile. One of the included interests is "ocean shipping".  Perhaps you may have interpreted that to mean we like spending time on ships ... cruise ships. Correct, but more than that we would like to spend time on a Freighter Cruise. Unknown to many, freighter ships have room for a very few passengers ... usually 10 or less. There is no fancy entertainment! However, the reports are that the food is excellent, accommodations are adequate, and the ports-of-call are amazing. Freighter ships can often get into smaller ports than larger cruise ships. Getting away from the tourist attractions can give you a more realistic view of what some parts of the world are like."

Fast forward to today ...

During the current "lockdown" I've been watching more YouTube videos than ever. I just discovered Eva zu Beck's vlog and her June 28th post, 14 Days on a CARGO SHIP During the Pandemic. What a fascinating story of her voyage on a freighter. Enjoy!

Tomorrow ... Curiously enough, my post tomorrow will be about a cargo ship, a vehicle carrier, which I spotted on July 11. The ship is currently enroute to Yokohama, Japan.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello, John

    It is a great idea to take a freighter cruise, sounds nice if the food and accommodations are good. I will check out the video, thank for the link. Have a great day!

  2. I'm sure being on a freighter cruise would be rather interesting . You will have to go and share the experience here on your blog.

  3. Our friends were planning a freighter cruise this year. Of course all plans are cancelled now. It sounds like fun.

  4. I have never been on a cruise. We were slated to go on one and the liner burned as we were waiting to board. Hubby said I was a jinx as everything I get on board a boat-SOMETHING happens. lol We did have a live aboard cruiser that we stayed on for three summers but-it never left port and then we sold it. lol
    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday, John. Diana

  5. I have never been on a cruise, although many people seem to enjoy them.
    Of course in these present times of Covid 19 cruising is one of the many holidays that have had to be cancelled.

    All the best Jan

  6. Thanks for the link to Eva's vlog. What stories that young lady will have to tell in the future.

  7. I love your new header picture, it's just perfect considering what the first half of this year has been. And I'm glad to hear you'll be coming back to visit again soon. :-)

  8. Go for that freighter cruise. You hear good things about them


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