Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sunday Walk

Starting my walk on the Elliott Bay Trail.
The Trail goes along the waterfront south of downtown Seattle.
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sky is mostly blue and temperature about perfect.
I like walking here as it gets me a little closer to the
big ships I enjoy seeing. This one is the Coastal Trader
fishing vessel docked at Pier 90.

Mt Rainier beyond the Port's Freight Terminal
Looking south from the Trail

Pretty clear look at the big mountain.
Mt Rainier, Washington, USA
Our air/sky has been cleaner/clearer this summer.
Less pollution due to COVID-19 lockdown?

"Cerba" Bulk Carrier docked at Pier 86 Grain Terminal
Downtown in left distance.
This is one of the West Coast's major Grain Terminals.

The green beauty of the Pacific Northwest stays with us
all year.

Another look at Cerba ... note the
"Free Fall Lifeboat" on the aft.
(See YouTube video at bottom)

Great morning for a walk and not that many
folks out this early (around 7 AM)

The Cerba is being loaded with grain from the terminal.
I expected to see the Captain standing out on the bridge wing
enjoying a cup of coffee ... but no joy.

Drawing of Pier 86 Grain Terminal
on a sign nearby.
The grain comes in on trains and is stored in the terminal
until it gets loaded on ships.

Had to take a second look at this scene.
See next photo.

Nest boxes for Purple Martins
I am curious about who installed these.
Whoever ... Thank you.

Cerba departed Seattle Sunday evening.
The screen shot above shows her location
as of Monday morning July 20.
She is headed to Tokyo.

Pretty cool video of how a Free Fall Lifeboat is launched from a ship. Would you get a kick out of being aboard launch?


  1. Hello, John

    What a beautiful day for your walk. The views of the water, ships and Mt. Rainier are just awesome. No, I would not want to be on that life boat when it launches. LOL, I am a whimp. The Purple Martin houses are in a weird place. I enjoyed your post and photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen. I've got to agree with you about the lifeboat launch. :-)

  2. I too enjoyed walking along beside you in your pictures. And yes, I'd LOVE to be on the lifeboat when it launched. But then again, I'm a risk taker. :-)

  3. A walk along there looks to be very enjoyable . The views are fantastic.

  4. Sure is a nice day for walking. Are you still walking every day?

    1. Thank you happyone. Yes, still walking every day. Sometimes while walking I think about trying to get up to the 6 miles or so that you do everyday. That part is still just a dream. :-)

  5. Hello John!! Good to hear from you. Great shots as always and I hope you are well!

    1. Hi Michelle, Good to hear from you too! I'll give you my usual response to those who ask how I'm doing these days: so far, so good. :-) I've thought about you and wondered how you are getting along with your students during the pandemic. For me, it is hard to imagine still being in the classroom, or working remotely for that matter. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    2. John, We have been out of school since March 13th. Remote learning and the close of school mid-May. Faculty goes back next week and we receive students August 6th. I will be in a mask and face shield each day. I don't have a good feeling about any of the in person situation. I work in a K-3 school as a Reading Interventionist and small children are germy! lol That's just how it is. I have 3 more years until I can retire. Never thought I would see a situation like this.

  6. You sure had a glorious day for your walk. The free fall lifeboat looks like a fairground ride. I like the bit where all crew have to fasten their seat belts, etc. The whole thing seems to take a while, I hope the freighter isn't sinking or burning in the meantime. I guess the crew get to practise to make it a quick operation. The video quite distracted me from you terrific photos.

    1. Thank you Pauline. I like your observations re the video but sorry it distracted from my photos. :-)

  7. The photos with Mt. Rainier in them are gorgeous. What a spectacular place for a walk, always so much to see.

  8. A good walk gives you all kinds of photos.

  9. Hi John - That is one way to abandon ship in one big hurry...great photos there. Many Thanks. Cheers. KEV.

  10. I have never heard of that kind of lifeboat before. Wow!!

  11. You certainly had good weather for your walk, a lovely selection of photographs you have shared. Nice to see Mt. Rainier in them too.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan


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