Saturday, July 23, 2022

Another Standoff!

Recent Snaps

I titled my last post Standoff in the Wild West.
That one was between a bunny and a crow.
This one is two bunnies!
This one only lasted for about 30 seconds,
but still, I thought it odd.
Finally, the one on the left took a giant leap over
the one on the right. No harm done and they went on
their own ways.

This is the Ocean Guardian.
Humans have fun picking names for marine vessels.
This looks like a brand new ship.
A brief search on Google Images does not reveal
other photos of this vessel, although there are
others with the same name.
John's Island delivers!
Picture taken July 21, 2022.

Ocean Guardian docked at Pier 90, Seattle.
Looks like a research vessel.
Why do you think they gave it this name?

For first time visitors:  Please click on images to enjoy the larger view. 
Near the start of my walk.
I snap a pic here each day to record sky conditions.
Partly cloudy, July 7th, 5:08AM

Another day and another walk underway.
I walk almost every day, a little over 2 miles.
July 15th, 5:55AM

Sunny mornings are especially enjoyable.
July 9th
This walk is along the edge of Elliott Bay.

Unusual ... you won't see this scene often.
The Norwegian Sun is docked in the
industrial part of the Port where work is 
being done to repair damage from hitting ice
in Alaska. She stayed here for about 2 weeks.
Link to article about ship hitting ice

The vessel in the foreground is one of
our Washington State Ferries.
The ferries run between Seattle and smaller ports
around Puget Sound.

Experimenting by putting the caption in the image.

Maximum zoom looking from home across the Sound
to waterfront homes on Bainbridge Island.
A lucky few have amazing views of the Seattle skyline
as they look to the east.
The distance in this photo is almost 6 miles (9.6km).

Gull on driftwood.

Closer look at the gull.

Great Blue Heron.
I see this bird (I'm guessing it's the same one) frequently.
I'm more likely to see the bird on low tide mornings
when the fishing is easier.

Crows don't have a good reputation, but 
they are interesting looking birds.

Check out another delightful Saturday's Critters!

Another crow.
They don't seem to be afraid of me.
I've seen people feeding these birds with bread crumbs.

I believe the large white flower is a Morning-glory.
Lots of them are blooming near a fence along the walk.
I singled this one out for a close-up and liked the result.

I'm not sure about the name of these blue flowers.
Maybe someone will know.

I am constantly impressed with the detail nature
puts in these creations.

This rose is in the Rose Garden along the walk.
Only nature can unfold this beauty with perfection.

I don't need to know the name of a flower to 
snap a picture of it. The pure beauty is enough for me.

I can't get enough of these California Poppies.
I actually didn't notice the bug until I was
looking over the images back at home.

I enjoy watching the cruise ships come and go.
Almost all of Seattle's ships are on voyages to Alaska
and back.

Here is a well loaded MSC container ship departing
Seattle, probably headed to Asia. The trip may take
as much as two weeks depending on where they are going.

This little vessel, the Spirit of Seattle, takes tourists
 on rides around Elliott Bay. There is one voyage daily that
goes through the locks to Lake Washington.

If I'm walking around 6:30 AM I'm likely to see
a UPS plane taking off from nearby Boeing Field. It heads off 
to the west, so I am curious if it is headed to Asia. If so, they
are probably chasing the sunrise all the way.

Lots of Canada Geese enjoying the morning
and the green grass.

Looking for breakfast.

Sitting on the bench below this big
tree is a delight. When there is a light
breeze the leaves make a crackling sound.

There are two paths ... one for pedestrians and one for bikes.
This view is on the bike path.

The new vegetation looks so healthy.

Notice the grass turning brown on the right side of
the walkway. The sprinklers don't reach that side of
the walk and we are now in the dry days of summer.

A Foss Tug approaching Pier 90.

Tug captain ... what a job!

The Sally Ride is a research vessel based in
San Diego, California

I was almost certain this bird would fly away
before I could snap a picture. It stayed put, and I
got lucky. I believe this is a House Finch.
Maybe someone will tell me if I'm wrong.

I can't resist taking photos of my hummers
 and adding them to the blog.
We know this is a male by the red feathers.

I snapped this on a really warm day. Not noticing when taking the
picture, but later ... look at the way the feathers are puffed out.
Could this be a way they try to stay cool?
This is a female Anna's hummingbird.
We know it is female as we do not see the red feathers.

It's unusual to see a container ship loaded with
uniform (all similar looking) containers.

At anchor, not far from the walk path.

Foss Tug operations base, Pier 90

Icon of Seattle,
the Space Needle, was built for
the World's Fair 1962.

I snapped this just after sunrise at Kerry Park.
This is possibly the most popular overlook for the city skyline.

Can't get enough of Mt Rainier on clear days.
July 20th, 5:16AM

Cruise ship departs for Alaska.

Closing thought ...
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” 
       – Abraham Lincoln

Friday, July 1, 2022

Standoff in the Wild West

Recent Snaps

Standoff in the Wild West
Watched this for a minute or two.
They paid me no mind and stayed focused on each other.
Finally, the crow took flight.

Phoenix fishing vessel arriving in port just as 
I'm starting my walk. About 6AM.

Getting ready to tie her up.

I thought it was unlucky to rename marine vessels.
Looks like the Phoenix used to be Pacific Glacier.

Many tempting benches are along the walk.
Sit and relax for a while.

A Washington State Ferry passes below Mt Rainier
in the distance.

Summer fun!

A healthy looking bunny.

Official Port of Seattle Light

Looking southeast from the waterfront trail.

Geese in a row.

Enjoying the morning sun.

Lots more critter photos via Saturday's Critters.  Enjoy!

New growth.

Wrapping up my walk ... the Phoenix is all tied up.
The Phoenix is one of many Alaska fishing vessels.

Snapped from home ... looking to the marina where the
Lonian is docked. Pretty nice vessel!
How about a custom voyage?

New tourist boat takes folks around Elliott Bay.
Salish Sea Tours
[More affordable than the Lonian 😊]

Late afternoon a bulk carrier departs in a sea of sparkles.

Firecracker for you.
Happy July 4th!
USA Independence Day
[From my collection of 
vintage postcards.]

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

Coastal Adventure Fall 2024 The images below are all in order, starting with departure from Los Angeles Union Station northward toward Seatt...