Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 31 at Green Lake

Walk #31 of 31

This month my goal has been to walk around Green Lake daily, take a few pics, and post them here on the blog. Today the goal has been accomplished. Thank you to all who left me encouraging comments along the way. And a special thank you to 5 bloggers who left me some encouragement for every post ... check out the great blogs they publish!

DJan's Eye on the Edge

Eileen's Viewing Nature with Eileen

Happyone's Life Is Good : )

Red's Hiawatha House

Ruth's Photo Blog

Today's pics ...

First shot out of the car after arriving at Green Lake.
March 31, 2019
6:18 AM
Official sunrise time today = 6:50 AM
[Click on images for larger view!]
Green Lake is about 5 miles (8 km) north of downtown Seattle, Washington. The path around the lake is about 2.8 miles (4.5 km). During the 31 days I was blessed with dry weather almost every day. I found the best routine to be arriving at the lake and starting the walk about 30 minutes before sunrise. Walking along as the sky brightened seemed to brighten my outlook for the day ahead. An early start also usually meant I had the path mostly to myself and I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

March 31, 2019  6:24 AM
Sky colors seemed at max.

1st of 2 Great Blue Herons spotted today.
March 31, 2019  7:08 AM

2nd of 2 Great Blue Herons spotted today.
March 31, 2019  7:14 AM

Fisherman at work.
March 31, 2019  7:16 AM
The colors seem more like fall than spring.
The morning light has that orange tinge.

Final shot ... Final day ... 31 walks completed.
March 31, 2019  7:19 AM

Yesterday ...

Last night's sunset from home ...

March 30, 2019  7:26 PM
Sunset over Olympic Mountains
as seen from Seattle, Washington

And a few minutes later ...

March 30, 2019  7:39 PM
Just after sunset, Seattle, WA

Marine traffic last evening ...

OOCL Antwerp, Container Ship
Departing Port of Seattle
West Seattle and Vashon Island in the distance.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

March 30 at Green Lake

Today's Walk ...

Today's walk started about 6:30 AM and ended about an hour later thanks to several stops for pics.

First shot out of the car.
Starting today's walk.
March 30, 2019 at Green Lake, Seattle, WA
6:32 AM
Today's official sunrise time = 6:55 AM
Today is the next-to-last day of my personal challenge ... walk around Green Lake daily during the month of March, take pics each day and post them here on the blog.

Heart Rock Heaven
On an old tree stump.
Take a 💗 leave a 💗
Had to look at this for a moment, but yes,
the rocks fit.

Looking east across the lake a few minutes before sunrise.
Perfectly clear horizon.
Those are the Cascade Mountains in the distance.

A solo bike rider enjoying the dawn.

Just a couple of minutes before sunrise time.

At about the 2 mile point.
March 30, 2019

Looks like a perfect morning for rowing.
March 30, 2019

Nearing the end of the walk.
Looking in to the golf course at Green Lake Park.
March 30, 2019

Back at the starting point and the sun is getting up there.
March 30, 2019
7:37 AM
Yesterday ...

Two things about this picture ...
1. The Maersk Stralsund container ship has seen a tough winter.
Needs some serious paint work.
2. The solo sail boat provides some nice scale.
Looking west from home.
March 29, 2019

Last night's sky just after sunset.
March 29, 2019
Out of the Archives ...

Reflecting back 7 years ago to 2012 ... I was walking around Green Lake and posting some photos right here on John's Island. Sound familiar? This is one of the things I love about blogging ... it's so easy to go back and take a look at days past. To me it seems easier than looking up the past on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

Below are 3 clips from 2012 posts ... click on the dates to see the actual posts.

Post from John's Island
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Today I realized that in 2012 I didn't link up with
Saturday's Critters
so I will do it today. :-)
Thanks to Eileen for hosting!

Post from John's Island
Monday, August 6, 2012

Post from John's Island
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday, March 29, 2019

March 29 at Green Lake

First shot today out of the car and ready to walk Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 29, 2019  7:39 AM

Missed the color of the sunrise but found some in these flowers along the walk.
March 29, 2019

March 29, 2019  8:16 AM
Snapped at about the 2-mile mark.
(The entire walk is about 2.8 miles.)

The clouds are rolling in.
The walk is done.
Back to the starting point.
March 29, 2019  8:34 AM
Walk #29 in March at Green Lake ... My goal = 31

Yesterday ... pics from home in the afternoon/evening ...

This just seemed to be an unusual sky worth capturing.
March 28, 2019  5:27 PM

Later, after sunset, maximum color.
March 28, 2019  7:39 PM

March 28, 2019  7:32 PM
Tug and barge southbound in Puget Sound at dusk.

March 28, 2019  7:35 PM
Container ship northbound, Puget Sound, Washington

Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28 at Green Lake

March 28th Walk Around Green Lake, Seattle, WA ...

First shot upon arrival at Green Lake this morning.
March 28, 2019  6:35 AM
It seems like today's pics are all about the reflections.

March 28, 2019  6:58 AM

March 28, 2019  7:01 AM
Great Blue Heron looking for breakfast.
Green Lake, Seattle, WA

March 28, 2019  7:01 AM
Great Blue Heron at Green Lake this morning.

March 28, 2019  7:10 AM
At about the 2-Mile mark or about 2/3 way around the lake for me.

March 28, 2019  7:31 AM
Back to the starting point.
Walk #28 of 31 is in the books.

If you know about Seattle you know it never rains here. But seriously, I've been lucky to have so many walks with dry weather. I probably shouldn't even mention that until it's all over. So far, I think just a couple of days required rain gear. Three walks to go to meet the goal!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27 at Green Lake

Walk #27 of 31 - March 27, 2019 - Green Lake, Seattle, WA

First shot after arriving at Green Lake today.
March 27, 2019  6:27 AM
[Click on image for larger view.]

Looking back to the southeastern sky where the moon is rising.
Starting today's walk after snapping this photo.
March 27, 2019  6:27 AM

Almost halfway around the lake when the sky color
stopped me for pics.
March 27, 2019  6:44 AM

Zoomed in a bit.

Back to the starting point.
March 27, 2019 7:18 AM
Today's pace 18:06
Walk #27 in the books.
Yesterday ...

At home I stepped out on the deck to snap a pic of the sunset. Happened to notice the Victoria Clipper arriving from Victoria. Snapped the first pic below and then, just for fun, zoomed in as I thought I could see passengers on the aft deck. Sure enough, there they are (see second pic below) and one passenger looks to be holding their phone up for a picture of the sunset (see third pic below).

Victoria Clipper
This ferry sails between Seattle and Victoria, BC daily.
March 26, 2019  7:21 PM

Zoomed in
March 26, 2019  7:21 PM

March 26, 2019  7:21 PM
Looking out over Puget Sound close to sunset.
Hundreds of sailboats in the Marina (lower portion of the pic)
and most never seem to go anywhere.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March 26 at Green Lake

Starting with the highlight ... Immature Bald Eagle
Those tallons looked powerful.
March 26, 2019
At Green Lake, Seattle, WA
 Walk #26 of 31 - March 26, 2019 - Green Lake, Seattle, WA

A later start today ... so many differences!
Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 26, 2019  9:35 AM

March 26, 2019  9:41 AM

March 26, 2019  9:49 AM
Trees are budding but many still look bare.

Daffs are in bloom!
March 26, 2019  9:53 AM
It rained last night but cleared by time for my walk.

March 26, 2019  9:59 AM
Mallards are good looking ducks.

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