Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19 at Green Lake

Clear skies, warm temps, almost like summer ... last day of winter.

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 19, 2019  10:17 AM

Good idea.
My 19th day in a 31-day challenge to walk Green Lake and post about it here on the blog.

Green Lake turtles enjoying the sun.

Lots of flowers in bloom.
 Looking back to last night's sunset ...

March 18, 2019  7:14 PM
Looking out over Puget Sound to the Olympics
About as clear as it gets.
Sunset on this day almost exactly due west.

See the whole walk ...

Just found out from a follower that you can see the whole path around Green Lake on Google Street View. Once again, I'm amazed at what is on the web.


  1. Never realised you got turtles there. You get a lot of things on Street view even a tip long the Thames

  2. See, you don't even need to go there! Just look online. ;-)

    Love the little turtles!

  3. Those turtles look like they are enjoying themselves very much. Your pictures make me feel warm and fuzzy. :-)

  4. You picked a beautiful area to do your walks.

  5. Looks like a gorgeous day. Love the picture of the turtles!

  6. Oh wow! With all that beauty it would take me forever to do that walk.It's hard to make progress when you stop every few steps to enjoy some more beauty.Maybe you are more disciplined than I would be. I am enjoying seeing these sights through your eyes.

  7. Hi John. The Last Day of Winter in Seattle? Were in Autumn now- warmish days, cool nights and some welcome daily rain. I had a pet turtle called 'Hyme' who I saved from a Housing Estate Development of an old Farm when I was a youngster...I built a 'Pond' for him using bricks, sandstone and cement- he was a great Turtle...alas, also 'Hyme' was an 'escape-artist' as well. Cheers. KEV.

  8. Hello, another wonderful walk. The turtles are cute, I love to see them lined up on the logs. Your sunset was lovely too. Beautiful views and photos. Enjoy your day!


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