Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 13 at Green Lake

Dry, cool and dark at the start of today's walk.
As they say, Ohhh-Dark-Thirty when I arrived at Green Lake today.
March 13, 2019  6:53 AM PDT
(3 mins before beginning of Civil Twilight)

At about the 2-mile mark.
I love this big evergreen.
March 13, 2019  7:33 AM

Looking back to yesterday ...

March 12, 2019  6:13 PM
About an hour before sunset.
Looking southwest across Puget Sound from home.
Looking small in this picture ... distant Olympic Mountains
Looking back 4 years ago today at my post on John's Island, March 13, 2015 ...

Around the Hood ...

Went for a walk in the new hood and snapped some spring-like delights ...

Tulip tree

The tulip trees have not bloomed yet this year. Coldest February in decades (this year) has set us back a few days.


  1. Beautiful photos as always and the first somewhat haunting...:) Thanks John.

    1. Thank you Ray. Haunting is the perfect word for that first picture! :-)

  2. Civil twilight? I may have to look that up!

    1. I am just going to pretend I am not the only person who did not know the three phases of twilight. So, everyone, here they are:


      "Civil twilight is the brightest of the 3 twilight phases. The Sun is just below the horizon, so there is generally enough natural light to carry out most outdoor activities." -the Internet told me this!

      Also, Civil Twilight is the name of a rock band!

    2. Sandi, You are awesome! I thought about adding an explanation of Civil Twilight but ran out of time. Thank you for adding it! When planning early walks this time of year I look up the beginning of Civil Twilight so I'll know when there is enough light to walk without a flashlight. My favorite site for this kind of information is

    3. Haha!! Thanks! I had never heard of it before. Had a compulsion to look it up! :)

  3. I love all your pictures, John. It just goes to show the difference year to year in when things bloom. We've got the tiniest little crocuses popping up out of the ground in sunny places. Way later than usual. :-)

    1. Thank you DJan. I'm thinking we are about 10 days to 2 weeks behind. Does that sound about right to you?

  4. So the early riser gets some good sunrise shots.

  5. As always, it is a pleasure to experience this walk through your photos. Thanks for your kind words.You will never know how much they mean to me.It's comments like yours that keep me blogging.

  6. Hi John. Great photos there - like the pre-dawn Green Lake photo...something about distant lights glimmering from across the water- very nice. Regards. KEV.

  7. Hello, you are out early, before the sunrise. I love the big evergreen and the lovely blooms. Have a happy day!

  8. Hello John,
    beautiful view of the sunset, with the Olympic Mountains.
    Many greetings


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