Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11 at Green Lake

Partly cloudy and quite cool this morning. Today's most memorable moments ... enjoying the sunrise.

March 11, 2019  7:13 AM
Green Lake, Seattle, WA
This pic was snapped as soon as I arrived at the Lake.

March 11, 2019  7:20 AM
About 7 mins after the first photo.

March 11, 2019  7:46  AM
About 25 mins after earlier sunrise pics I'm around the the
eastern side of the Lake and the sun reflections are blazing off the
windows of buildings to the west.
Last night ...

Daily posts for daily walks in March ... that's the goal. However, I can't forget some of the sunsets and some of you have commented that you especially enjoy the sunsets. So, they will be included from time to time. Last night's was pretty sweet ...

March 10, 2019  7:04 PM
First sunset during Daylight Saving Time
Overview ... Looking out over the Marina
to the Olympics in the distance.

March 10, 2019  7:04 PM
Zoomed in a bit on shot above.
Happy Monday to all.


  1. Hello, gorgeous sunrise and sunset images. Gorgeous views amd photos. Happy Monday, have a great day and new week ahead!

  2. I think you'll find that you're excited about finding out what's going on in each new day.

  3. Oh those sunrises are gorgeous. I love a pink and blue sky.

  4. Both ends of the day are spectacular. Thanks so much for sharing your beauty. :-)

  5. Both sunrise and sunset are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these lovely images.

  6. Never viewed a twilight I didn't love. Add a mountain OR water and it's a wow. Add both ... have no words for it.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....