Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20 at Green Lake - Spring Equinox

My 20th day in a 31-day challenge to walk Green Lake and post about it here on the blog.

Pics from today's walk ...

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 20, 2019  6:49 AM
First pic after stepping out of car at the lake.

March 20, 2019  6:54

Curiosity photo.
Wondering if I can see Mt Rainier from Green Lake
On this clear morning the answer is clear.
The 14,411' (4,392m) mountain is 62.3 miles (100.26km) from Green Lake.

March 20, 2019  7:37
Almost done.

March 20, 2019  7:40 AM
Back to the starting point.
Today's walk 2.79 Miles
Time = 49:43 
Today is the March Equinox ... Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere and Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. An excellent website is where you can find all sorts of information about the sun, moon, seasons, and more. Today, around the world, the time of daylight and darkness is nearly equal. Here in Seattle, the time of Equinox is 2:58 PM. Sunrise is 7:12 AM and Sunset is 7:22 PM for a total Daylight of 12 hours 9 minutes. Today also happens to be Full Moon. Native Americans gave each full moon a name ... this month it is the "Worm Moon" because the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins.

Last night's sunset from home ...

In the pics below, the first shot is just a few minutes before the sun reached the horizon. I wanted to make note of the sun's position as it helps define due west from home. A few minutes later a ship rolled into view. In that picture the exposure didn't allow me to ID the ship. The next pic zoomed in on the ship ... turns out to be MOL freighter ... but the exposure looks bad due to the brightness of the sky above. The last pic is a few minutes after sunset.

March 19, 2019  7:06 PM

March 19, 2019  7:19 PM

March 19, 2019  7:20 PM

March 19, 2019  7:33 PM
A happy first day of Spring to you.


  1. John your sunrises and sunsets are something to behold, I envy your walks around the lake

  2. Happy Spring, I am enjoying your pretty views of the sunrise, lake and the sunsets. Beautiful walk and photos. Enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks again for sharing these lovely pictures.I smile as I scroll through them and imagine the calm and quiet as you take that walk.

  4. And a happy first day (or at least afternoon) of Spring! :-)

  5. Your view of Mt. Ranier is lovely. Nothing like that here. I am so glad spring is finally here. I am looking forward to planting a few things :) Thank you for your kind compliments on my blog.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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