Friday, March 22, 2019

March 22 at Green Lake

A solid line of clouds divides the sky.
Green Lake, Seattle, WA USA
March 22, 2019  6:46 AM
At the start of today's walk.

Moonlight on Green Lake ... again.
March 22, 2019  7:07 AM
Still looked like a full moon this morning.
Almost 2 miles complete.
Looking east across the lake.
(Similar moon-over-the-lake pic yesterday)

Another walk is done ... the sun is up.
March 22, 2019  7:37 AM
Today is my 22nd day of a 31-day challenge to walk around Green Lake, take photos, and post here on the blog.

A couple of pics from yesterday ...

Yesterday afternoon ... hazy air and clouds moving in.
Tug and barge moving northbound.
March 21, 2019  5:20 PM
We had several mostly sunny, exceptionally warm
days in a row ... time for clouds to return.

Yet another colorful sky just after sunset.
AND, another tug and barge moving northbound.
No, not the same one as in previous pic.  :-)
March 21, 2019  7:33 PM 

“A genius is somebody who has two great ideas.”
— Jacob Bronowski


  1. Wow, I would love to do this lake walk. Your views are lovely. Gorgeous sunrise, the sunset is lovely too. It is too cloudy here to see the full moon. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh such beautiful pictures. I just had a thought.You must keep on blogging, cause where else will I see all those beautiful Dahlias? You have shown so many of those and I always look forward to them, as I do to each of your posts. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Wow!!! That last photos is spectacular!
    I can't leave the house until 6:55 so you are already out walking when I just leave. It is just too dark yet for me to leave earlier.

  4. We've got rain in our future, but it's been so nice for so long that I almost miss the rain! :-) (almost)

  5. Hi John- great photos with the Full Moon there over Green Lake- always like every photo that you have seem to live there in areas where getting panoramic photos is at home there are too many trees blocking the way for us to get a good photo of the westerly sun set...oh-well, cannot have everything. Cheers. KEV.

  6. Awesome sky over the mountains.

  7. Gorgeous pictures! What a wonderful place it is! That photo of the morning sun is my favourite. :-)
    Have a lovely weekend!


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