Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5 at Green Lake

Got a late start with today's walk around Green Lake. I spent the morning at the hospital holding little babies in the NICU for busy nurses and parents who can't be there.

Another blue sky day. Last one for a while according to the
2:07 PM

Yes, I know ... another Mallard.
Next time ... a female.
Both male and female have that little patch of blue feathers
in the same spot.

This little guy was kind of fun.
His mom (I guess) was pushing a stroller and
he got way ahead of her.
He flew by me several times.
I'm guessing he was 2 or 3 and a good rider!

Lots of Canadian Geese at Green Lake.
Here at the Lake these birds seem accustomed to
humans walking along very close to them.
See the range map for these birds next ...

Canadian Geese Range Map from Wikipedia
Seattle is in the "Year-round" zone -- green on the map.


  1. Hello John, glad to see you on blogger again!
    Your walks around Green Lake are so pleasant, very nice pictures.
    Many greetings!

    1. Hello Pietro, Great to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. Best regards to you and yours from Seattle.

  2. Hi John- Glad your well and enjoying things. Lovely Photos of your travels...those Canadian Geese look big - much bigger than the Mallards I expect. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Thank you KEV. Took a look at your blog yesterday. Wow, you are a great modeler! Your CSX model project is excellent! Best regards and have a great day.

  3. I am also glad to see you're back in the blogosphere, none the worse for wear. It sure has been nice to see so much sun lately, hasn't it? It's really cold here in Bellingham right now, but the sun warms things up quickly. :-)

    1. Hi DJan, I'm always glad to see your comments and thank you so much. Yes, we sure had a nice run of sunny days. I thought about you during our Snowmageddon. I could not get my car out of my garage for 3 days. Glad spring is on the way. Have a great day!

  4. No doubt we will be seeing those geese here in a few months

    1. Hi Bill, Thanks for stopping by and your comment.

  5. Thanks for the warning Red. I will keep a distance for sure.

  6. One can never have too many Mallard pictures, at least I hope so.I have so many and still take more, every chance I get.


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