Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 10 at Green Lake and Glory

Wow. One of those mornings when it is just great to be out and walking. I'm excited about being almost 1/3rd of the way through March and have walked and posted each day. Today's sky was competely clear. Temps were still quite cool in the low 30sF.

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 10, 2019
8:50 AM PDT

March 10, 2019
8:50 AM
At home, just before leaving for Green Lake ...

A giant Yang Ming cargo ship rounds the bend into the port of Seattle. I got a kick out of the name of this ship ... YM Upsurgence. Hmmm ... it sounds good but what exactly are they referring to? Hoping for an upsurgence in freight business? In the pic below you see the Elliott Bay Marina below the big ship and Bainbridge Island and the Olympic Mountains in the distance.
YM Upsurgence
Entering Port of Seattle
March 10, 2019


During January 2019 I was not actively posting here on the blog. However, on January 30 I saw the most glorious sunset I have seen in the last several years. Almost the entire sky was covered with a brilliant orange color reflecting from the clouds. Just for the record book, here it is ...

January 30, 2019
5:16 PM
Looking southwest over Puget Sound
Seattle, WA
 Welcome to Daylight Time. Don't forget to change the time in your camera.


  1. That blue sky and lake are just beautiful.

  2. What a glorious sunset. Thank you so much for sharing it. And yes, welcome to DST. My camera time set automatically, since it's my cellphone. :-)

  3. Stunning pictures. John you just see some of the most beautiful scenes.I'm glad you are sharing them here.Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Ruth. Wishing you a great week ahead!

  4. Hello, lovely views of the lake. The view of the ship is beautiful too. Most of all I love your sunset. Enjoy your walks. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead!

    1. Thank you Eileen. Wishing you a Happy Monday and a great week ahead!

  5. I used to walk first thing with my pups...then realized I was getting sweaty before sitting down to write. So now I walk at night...not all bad. Get some lovely sunSETS now.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....