Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18 at Green Lake

Clear skies this morning. Looks like it's going to be a beauty of a day.

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 18, 2019  6:54 AM
First shot after stepping out of the car at GL.
Official sunrise time today = 7:16 AM

March 18, 2019  7:00 AM

March 18, 2019  7:29 AM
A little more than halfway around the Lake. 
My 18th day in a 31-day challenge to walk Green Lake and post about it here on the blog.

March 18, 2019  7:48 AM
Back at my starting point the sun is up.  

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 18, 2019  7:48 AM
Looking back to last night's sunset ...

Colorful sunset from home looking out over Elliott Bay Marina, Puget Sound, Bainbridge Island, and to the Olympic Mountains in the distance.

March 17, 2019  7:07 PM

March 17, 2019  7:09 PM

March 17, 2019  7:21 PM
The vessel is a RORO headed northbound.
(RORO = Roll On, Roll Off vehicle carrier)

Weather Forecast  : - )

From National Weather Service
March 18, 2019


  1. Such gorgeous pictures, and what a wonderful forecast! :-)

  2. So nice. Love all your photos John

  3. Hello, your sunrise and sunsets are just beautiful. You have a lovely view while walking. Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

  4. That sparkly city by the lake-- breathtaking!

  5. Those are lovely views. WE are just now starting to get some overdue sunshine.

  6. Seeing the lake makes me miss the lake I used to walk around where I used to live before moving up the western MD.

  7. Once you're done March you will have established a habit and keep on walking.

  8. The last picture of the lake looks so peaceful.I love it when the water is like glass.Great photos John.

  9. Hi John- things look good there in Seattle - I'm sure your looking forwards to the Summer months soon. We've been having a fair bit of rain this Autumn- warm days and cool nights...I like this time of year especially after a long hot summer. Best Wishes. KEV.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....