Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7 at Green Lake

For those of you who may be wondering ... I'm working on a little experiment here. The goal is to do a daily post for this month. Wish me luck. The goal here is combined with my new year's resolution to walk around Green Lake as often as possible ... hopefully, daily. As they say, "We will see."

The day started with snowfall. Next along came the rain and
then that moved on.
Partly cloudy skies by time for my walk.

One of these days I'll explain the yellow line.

Watching for signs of spring.
These little beauties hit the spot.

Daffodils are ALMOST ready to bloom.
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hi John...I see your Blog has been invaded by SPAM.(Most annoying)... I do like this mornings photos there at Seattle - have not seen Daffodils in a long time and good going with your walking plan. Regards. KEV.

    1. Hi KEV, You are so right ... SPAM is so annoying. I am tempted to try that procedure where comments are approved before being posted. Going to give that some thought. Now, thanks for the kind words on the photos and encouragement on the walking. Take care and have a great day!

  2. I love those crocus pictures especially. And yes, tomorrow we go back to DST and our mornings will be much less bright for a few weeks. Daffodils almost ready to bloom! Yay! :-)

  3. I like you're goal. I good walk gives lots of photo opportunity.

  4. Beautiful. The Crocuses and Daffodils are such very welcome signs of spring.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....