Thursday, June 20, 2024

Taking Off


Summer is "taking off" today just like this
Great Blue Heron I recently spotted on
one of my waterfront walks.

As I'm preparing this post, I have just a couple of hours until the Official beginning of Summer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  Maximum daylight in the Northern Hemisphere and minimum daylight in the Southern Hemisphere. After today, the days will get shorter every day until the Winter Solstice in December.

Get info about Solstice

The Great Blue Heron just before take off.

Have you ever had this happen ... While working on some storage, taking pictures of boxes, and stuff in them, I had my camera set to capture the smallest size image since I didn't need a lot of detail. Then, I FORGOT to reset the camera for high quality images while on my walk. That's what happened with the Heron photos. So, sorry the quality isn't great, but I like those pics enough to share them anyway. 😊

More Birds

Taken through my kitchen window, I believe this is an
American Bushtit. He/she was sitting in a bush (naturally enough)
and kept chattering to me while I was trying to cook up dinner.
Finally, I grabbed the camera and snapped a photo.
She/he seemed happy about that.

Mr and Mrs Mallard seen down at the waterfront.

Count 'em ... 6
Males and Females side by side.
Mallards in resting mode.

Check out Saturday's Critters


One day I was leaving home for an errand when I happened to look
just along the driveway and spotted the pretty plant on the left.
I thought to myself, wow, nature is so amazing producing that
pretty little plant between a concrete wall and a concrete 
driveway. I guess nature was listening ... A few days later 
I looked at the same spot and nature had added some
pretty yellow blooms. Nature is amazing!

Totem pole honoring the American Natives
who lived here by the Seattle waterfront
before it was even a city. A pretty morning

Yesterday (June 19th) while out in the neighborhood,
I happened to notice this "round-about" and thought,
wow, what a nice job someone did planting the
flowers. Someone deserves a high-five for this!

If you live in Seattle, I hope you enjoy clouds.
I do love them and on this day just had to snap
a picture. Clouds over Puget Sound.
June 16, 2024

Marine Activity

Spotted on my waterfront walk, these are vessels taking
tourists for a ride around Elliott Bay.

On the left, spotted from home, a giant crane being moved
around by 2 tugs.  On the right, the Pacific Arrow, a vessel
that moves Pilots around and takes care of Official
Port Business.

The cruise ship season is well underway.
I like to be up early and enjoy a cup of coffee 
watching the ships arrive. Most of these ships
are doing round-trips to Alaska.
This vessel is the Ovation of the Seas.

Closing thought ...

I receive a daily email with "inspirational" quotations.
I thought this one was kind of strange. I mean, you do
know the story of Amelia Earhart, don't you?

Thanks for stopping by and a happy Summer to you!

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

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