Thursday, June 20, 2024

Taking Off


Summer is "taking off" today just like this
Great Blue Heron I recently spotted on
one of my waterfront walks.

As I'm preparing this post, I have just a couple of hours until the Official beginning of Summer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  Maximum daylight in the Northern Hemisphere and minimum daylight in the Southern Hemisphere. After today, the days will get shorter every day until the Winter Solstice in December.

Get info about Solstice

The Great Blue Heron just before take off.

Have you ever had this happen ... While working on some storage, taking pictures of boxes, and stuff in them, I had my camera set to capture the smallest size image since I didn't need a lot of detail. Then, I FORGOT to reset the camera for high quality images while on my walk. That's what happened with the Heron photos. So, sorry the quality isn't great, but I like those pics enough to share them anyway. 😊

More Birds

Taken through my kitchen window, I believe this is an
American Bushtit. He/she was sitting in a bush (naturally enough)
and kept chattering to me while I was trying to cook up dinner.
Finally, I grabbed the camera and snapped a photo.
She/he seemed happy about that.

Mr and Mrs Mallard seen down at the waterfront.

Count 'em ... 6
Males and Females side by side.
Mallards in resting mode.

Check out Saturday's Critters


One day I was leaving home for an errand when I happened to look
just along the driveway and spotted the pretty plant on the left.
I thought to myself, wow, nature is so amazing producing that
pretty little plant between a concrete wall and a concrete 
driveway. I guess nature was listening ... A few days later 
I looked at the same spot and nature had added some
pretty yellow blooms. Nature is amazing!

Totem pole honoring the American Natives
who lived here by the Seattle waterfront
before it was even a city. A pretty morning

Yesterday (June 19th) while out in the neighborhood,
I happened to notice this "round-about" and thought,
wow, what a nice job someone did planting the
flowers. Someone deserves a high-five for this!

If you live in Seattle, I hope you enjoy clouds.
I do love them and on this day just had to snap
a picture. Clouds over Puget Sound.
June 16, 2024

Marine Activity

Spotted on my waterfront walk, these are vessels taking
tourists for a ride around Elliott Bay.

On the left, spotted from home, a giant crane being moved
around by 2 tugs.  On the right, the Pacific Arrow, a vessel
that moves Pilots around and takes care of Official
Port Business.

The cruise ship season is well underway.
I like to be up early and enjoy a cup of coffee 
watching the ships arrive. Most of these ships
are doing round-trips to Alaska.
This vessel is the Ovation of the Seas.

Closing thought ...

I receive a daily email with "inspirational" quotations.
I thought this one was kind of strange. I mean, you do
know the story of Amelia Earhart, don't you?

Thanks for stopping by and a happy Summer to you!


  1. Happy solstice to you! My spirits are always high today, probably the long daylight. Your pictures in any setting are lovely. I like your choices, details then sweeping skies and history.

  2. Hello John, I always enjoy your posts, you provide a lovely variety of photographs. Lovely to see the pretty flowers on the roundabout.

    Out and about in the better weather we've enjoyed this week it has been lovely to see the flowers blooming quite nicely as the weather has been sunnier and warmer.

    Wishing you a happy summer solstice.

    All the best Jan

  3. Like the picture of the heron taking off.
    That is a nice planting around the round - about.

  4. Yes, happy summer to you, too. Love the pictures and thoughts you shared here, John. And thanks for thinking of me.

  5. I really like the clouds over Seattle. You found some great flower beds that beautify the area. This prairie boy likes ships.

  6. I am very happy that nature is bringing such joy to your life. She is resilient indeed and will exploit every crack and crevice to fill the world with colour. I recently watched a documentary about Chernobyl and the way that nature has reclaimed her own at that site of nuclear disaster is remarkable. As for Amelia Earhart, she might want to reconsider those words of wisdom! All the best - David

  7. I always enjoy seeing your ocean vista photos! I am already thinking I need another trip to Victoria, BC to get my fill of the ocean and fish.

    With the heron, birds and ducks along with the views from your walks of flowers and such bright greens, of course too the ocean scenes all show how vibrant and alive Seattle is!

    Wishing you a wonderful summer!

  8. Hello John,
    I love all your bird photos, the GB Heron, the ducks and the cute Bushtit. I love skywatching, great sky photo. The flowers are all lovely, nature is grand! Beautiful views of the ships! Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  9. I love the variety of topics covered. Blooms are popping up everywhere here too these days!

    I have been watching the series Loudermilk on Netflix which is set in Seattle. I recognize Mt. Rainer occasionally and always think of you two!

  10. Hello John,
    I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I enjoyed seeing all the birds and photos. I would like some day to see the Bushtit, it would be a new bird for me. It is amazing to see the flowers growing out of the cracks in the cement, a pleasure to see. You have a lovely place for your walks, with gorgeous views and scenery. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  11. I like that last quote. I am stuck inside more now with the heat so I am trying to tackle a few jobs around the house every day. It's so rewarding! Love the marine photos!

  12. what a wonderful have shared so much joy!! the heron and birds are so beautiful, herons are one of my favorites!! it is so hot today, near 100 and we are heading outside to our pool, we are lucky to have it!! the purple flowers at the end steal the show for me, purple is my favorite color!!

  13. Superb photos! I enjoyed looking at them all and was particularly awestruck by the sheet size of that cruise ship. Be well!

  14. Hope you had a good weekend and summer solstice. I am done that with iso setting of the camera. Had it set to high and then forgot to lower it afterwards. Regardless of the size, your photos are absolutely wonderful. The American Bushtit is so sweet. I am glad you two had a good chat.


  15. Ten un lindo verano. Me gusto la garza pero más el pájaro que ves por tu ventana. Te mando un beso.

  16. The Great Blue Heron is majestic, and your story about the camera settings is so relatable.
    Nature always surprises us, like that little plant between the concrete. The clouds over Puget Sound are stunning!

    Wishing you a joyful summer filled with beautiful walks and discoveries, John.

  17. For exactly that reason of forgetting I never change the size settings in my camera. I know myself, it's 100% sure I would forget.
    Nature is amazing, isn't she? She never ceases to amaze and fascinate me, and I feel sorry for anybody who "doesn't get it". They're really missing out. We have lots of Bushtits here, they are always in a big flock and love to hang out in the olive tree, chatting the entire time. I love them. That cruise ship though - I simply can't see myself on such a monstrum. Cruises (except those relaxing ones down the Nile) are simply not my way of traveling. I hope you have a wonderful summer, John! Hugs - Carola

  18. Ten un lindo mes de julio. Te mando un beso.

  19. I love looking at your marine activity. So interesting. Hope you had a wonderful 4th!

  20. a glorious sharing dear John !
    i loved how summer season has flourished in your city wow breathtaking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the Heron images are beautiful indeed though i too felt the quality issue which was absent in other shots .all birds and blooms phots are very neat and powerful enough to refresh senses instantly :)
    yes nature senses our thoughts and wishes and responds sometimes too .
    planting flowers and trees are true worship to me as they serve human soul which is really essential !
    the weather looks absolutely divine and i hope you are enjoying each bit of it everyday by the grace of God !
    more goodness beauty and blessings to you and family!

  21. ...John, you have a gorgeous area to walk and enjoy things. The maritime activities I would find interesting. Thanks for sharing.


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