Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 16 at Green Lake

This morning's walk ... I'm halfway to my goal!

Green Lake, Seattle, WA
March 16, 2019  7:17 AM
First pic today at start of walk.
[Click on pics for larger view]

March 16, 2019  7:20 AM
Crews are setting up for today's
Green Lake Spring Regatta

March 16, 2019

Lots of Crew Teams here for the Spring Regatta
Getting ready!
March 16, 2019

Female Mallard
March 16, 2019  7:49 AM
(In an earlier post I was inclined to say, when it comes to Mallards, the
males are the pretty ones. On second thought, this little lady looks
very pretty.)
Love critters? So do I. Check out lots more at
Eileen's excellent Saturday Critters
March 16 2019 Green Lake Spring Regatta ...

Green Lake Crew Website
Looking back at last night's sunset ...

Looking over the Elliott Bay Marina
March 15, 2019  7:03 PM
To those who comment ... Thank you for all the comments encouraging me to keep going on this goal of walking each day in the month of March and posting about it here on the blog.


  1. Nice to see the setting up part with out thecrowds of people milling around. I do like your duck

  2. Hello, John! Beautiful sunrise and sky images. I think the female Mallard is very pretty. Great photo. Enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen. And also, thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters! I just added a link to your excellent blog. Have a happy weekend!

    2. Hello John, thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I also appreciate your comments. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

  3. That sunrise picture with the pretty reflection in the water is lovely. It's so nice to have you in my mailbox every day. :-)

    1. Hi DJan, Thank you so much for your kind comments. I look forward to them! See you tomorrow for Eye on the Edge!

  4. Half way there, Good for you! Will you continue to walk after this month?
    That duck's feet sure are a bright orange! :)

    1. Hi Happyone, I so appreciate your encouragement. Yes, I plan to continue my daily walks. YOU are my inspiration! :-) I may not post about my walks everyday after March, but I do plan to be more regular about posting than I was in the last couple of years. Thanks again and have a happy weekend!

  5. Yes,I truly am enjoying these virtual walks.I am just a little concerned, hoping you will continue the posts after the end of March.Your pictures and posts would be missed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  6. Welcome back to the blogging world John. And thanks for your kind comment on behalf of Barb and me. For one I'm sticking with my two blog but at a much slower pace. Living alone for the first time in fifty three years take up time learning new skills or refreshing forgotten old ones takes time. Also driving frequently (Minnesota weather allowing) to Rochester to see Barb takes another chunk. I'm reminded of when I first retired and many of my age peers told how "busy" they were. My idea of it all was to sleep in late, take the dog for a walk and later fish till dark on a local trout stream. Now that was being retired in the good old days...:)

  7. some people were up very early to prepare for the regatta.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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