Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1 - At Work Early

The sun is just about to crest the horizon, the lake is still, the Great Blue Heron is already at work. Enjoy your first day of August and thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Click on photo for larger view.

Tags: Green Lake Seattle Washington USA walking around lake 


  1. Oh John.....what an awesome shot!!
    LOVE it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Early morning walks are so good for the body and soul. What a perfect way to start your day. The stillness along side the awakening of the birds and the world fill the day with hope and possibilities. Perhaps the weather makes it possible for you to walk more days than not. thank you for the pictures and for sharing this rare spot with us.


  4. THis is about as perfect and peaceful as can be. I love it.


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