Friday, August 10, 2012

Sightings: Eagle and Mt Rainier - August 10

That's the best capture yet of the eagle. He's in the same tree and same spot as spotted on two previous occasions.  Keep in mind this is a pocket point and shoot camera (Sony RX100). The 1" sensor allows some nice enlargements.  I'm almost ready to bring the "really good" camera with a long lens, but that will have to be after the walk is done, as that is too much to carry 3 miles around the Lake.

Now, I'm sure Mount Rainier has been visible on one or more of my previous 19 trips around the Lake, but this morning was the first time to see it. Quite a sight popping up over the horizon ... and, according to Google Earth, about 63 miles from Green Lake ...

And, I really liked the sun rising through the trees across the Lake ...

John's Island: A place to share a little of John's world. Thanks for stopping by and a special thanks for those who leave me the kind comments.  Everyone have a great weekend!

"I'm John and I approved this message!"


  1. Gorgeous shots. I love the eagle and that mountain is stunning

  2. Oh WOW John! You have EVERYTHING I LOVE in this post! A Bird, A Mountain, and a SUNRISE! Doesn't get any better :)

  3. i love the glassiness in the last shot, but the grasses in the 2nd won the prize for me today! :)


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....