Monday, January 15, 2018

1917 All Over Again?

Hello from John's Island. Thank you for joining us as we begin our 8th year in the blogosphere. This year we will continue to share some items from our collection of stuff older than we are! Our first item is, appropriately enough, the Circling Year Calendar for 1917. You see, 2018 is the same, only different. Well, what we mean is the days are all lined up the same way. And each week there is a little quotation that seems to apply just as well today as it did 101 years ago! We'll add more pages as time goes by. Let us know if you like the quotations.


Ship Watch, Sky Watch, Postcards and more will return soon. Happy New Year to all my followers and friends. Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello, John! I wish you all the best in 2018, Happy New Year. Congrats on your blog's anniversary. I look forward to many more post from you. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. It's always a wonderful thing to visit your island on the web, John. I've missed you. Thank you for the lovely quotations. They are as relevant to me today and they must have been for the owner of the January 1917 calendar. Happy New Year! :-)

  3. same but different

    I've always liked that cliche

  4. I like those quotes.Yes,they are as true today as the day they were written. Hope you have a wonderful year.Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

  5. You've always got an interesting idea to make an interesting blog. Have a great 2018 in blogging.

  6. Those are great quotes.
    Neat the days are the same this year as 1917.

  7. 1917 is the year my grandma was born. She is no longer with us, but this makes me realize how close together these years are. 101 years is a breath.

  8. Hello John i always enjoyed your fabulous sharing and memories of past bringing back by old photos and cards ,this is remarkable!!!

    i am about to enter in my 48th year and time is flying so fast towards transformation

  9. in hurry right now get back to read you marvelous quotes after while

  10. Great! i like to find calendars with the matching months. A long time ago---my Mother died recently and she was born in 1916---she had a long and interesting life.

  11. btw John, Angie is a rescue eagle who can't fly. She lives at the National Eagle Center. That day a volunteer had taken her for a wade along the shore of the Mississippi where we met her on the way home. She spent many years visiting nursing homes, elementary schools on behalf of her kind. Mrs T (Barb) and I became friends with her over the years. She went to eagle heaven recently and is fondly missed. Ray (Troutbirder)


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....