Sunday, December 17, 2017

December Holidays

To: You    From: John
From our postcard collection ...
A vintage card from early 1900s
Artist unknown.

Back of the unused card.
Note: One cent domestic postage,
"Foreign" two cents.
[Please click on images to get a larger view]
More December holidays postcards at Maria's Postcards for the Weekend. Take a look ... there are some neat ones! Thanks to Maria for hosting.

Oh Boy!
Not a postcard but a "first day of issue" for the
Electric Toy Trains 32 cent stamp May 28th 1998
[Reminds me of a Christmas way before '98]

Closer look at the Electric Toy Trains stamp.

Sky Watch

December 10th  4:10 PM
Maybe some of the orange is due to smoke from California fires.
On the right:  A Washington State Ferry enroute to Bainbridge Island
from Seattle.

December 10th  4:13 PM
Just a couple of minutes later than previous shot.
Tiny speck is a tug ... gives some scale to the scene.
Note: Contrail shadows on cloud layer above.
Check out more sky photos at Skywatch Friday. Thanks to Yogi for hosting!

December 13th  4:15 PM
Just about the moment of sunset.
Be sure to note the dark cloud at center.

December 13th  4:30 PM
After the previous photo ...
Just enough later for the sun to light up the clouds.

And a Happy New Year ... 

Yes, this is our old music box, and, yes, we've shared this before, and, yes, we wish you a very Happy New Year.  All the best to you in 2018!

TO: All

Thanks for stopping by John's Island. This will be our last post for 2017. See you again in 2018 as we begin our 8th year. A BIG Thank You to all who have visited and each one who has left me a kind comment! Best wishes of the season and a Happy New Year!


  1. Thank you for this lovely collection of postcards, stamps, and skies. And I too wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018. See you next year, John. :-)

  2. John your Christmas postcards are wonderful! Thanks for sharing and for a year filled with interesting posts.
    Merry Christmas!
    Connie :)

  3. I like the illustration of the first postcard. It gives me an idea about how the image of Christmas has changed along all those years... Oh, and I would be surely happy with that train too! :)

    I wish you and your family happy holidays. See/read you next year!

  4. Love the pictures. Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog.I really appreciate your encouragement.

  5. I love that early 1900 vintage postcard. Interesting to learn how Christmas was celebrated in those days. Fortunately Father Christmas has a more comfortable way of transporting the presents (and himself) nowadays, by a sleigh powered by reindeer power.

    Wishing you and your dear ones a wonderful Christmas and a Happy 2018!

  6. Hello John, lovely sky captures. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you all the best in 2018, a happy healthy New Year.

  7. Merry Christmas John to you and all your family.

  8. And to you and yours as well for a Merry Christmas. The postcard of the train reminds me of my first Lionel 027 gauge received from my parents on Christmas 1947

  9. Hello John, thank you for sharing this beautiful Christmas postcard. I am also in awe with the sky watch photos. Happy holidays to you, and to your family, and friends! Until 2018!

  10. It's interesting to see how Christmas cards and Santa images and traditions have changed over the years. :)

  11. I truly LOVED these cards collection John!

    thank you sooooo much for sharing the glory of past with us ,this is very beautiful !

    your skywatch are always CAPTIVATING!!!

    loved the each but the last one is BREATHTAKING!!!

    thank you for such interesting and lovely sharing my friend!
    wishing you and precious family a very BEAUTIFUl and HEART Happy New year and Christmas!

  12. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  13. Happy christmas dear John ,may you see many more with you precious family my friend!

  14. Those post cards give me nostalgia for some reasons. Oh, the sunset is so beautiful. I wish one day I can live in a house with such a magnificent view every day.

  15. Beautiful skies and postcards, John.
    Happy New Year!

  16. When I see the train card and stamp, that makes me think of my dad. He was both train and stamp enthusiast!

  17. Happy New Year to you too, friend.

  18. Is that a Lionel train for $5 and up??

    Beautiful sun photos! I hope that's not an effect from the wildfires, but it would be a silver lining if it is.

  19. Hello John, I love the postcards. Happy New Year to you, I wish you and yours all the best in 2018. Beautiful sky captures. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  20. Gorgeous sunsets! The warm light is so beautiful.
    Fun vintage postcards. Electric toy trains are very popular in my native Germany, and not only with children. Adults are just as fascinated, and that includes me.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....