Sunday, December 10, 2017

Tree - Ships - Skies - Postcards

One word: Resolute
[Please click on images for larger view.]
In last week's post we showed you some pictures from our recent visit to Canon Beach, Oregon. Thank you for all the kind words about those photos! The pic above is one we didn't share last week. Actually, this one is one of our favorites from that group. This is an old tree at Ecola State Park right at the crest of a hill along the beach.  If you walked forward, in this photo, right past the tree, the trail (if it existed, which it doesn't) would go right down to the Pacific Ocean. The prevailing winds from the ocean have shaped this tree. To us it seems to suggest resolution.

Ship Watch

By way of explanation, for new visitors, our place in Seattle allows a view of ship traffic in and out of the Port of Seattle, Washington, USA. We enjoy snapping pictures of these ships and sharing the photos here on the blog.

December 7th  4:27 PM
A Matson Container ship arriving just about 15
minutes after a beautiful sunset. 

December 10th  10:01 AM
Atlas Bulk Carrier departing today for
Tomakomai, Japan  ETA: Dec 25th
What's inside? Probably grain.

December 10th  10:38 AM
USS Nimitz - CVN-68 Nuclear-powered Multimission Aircraft Carrier
The Nimitz arrived Naval Base Kitsap today after a 6-month deployment.
In the photo, the ship is about 3 miles from our window!
Note the tiny sailboat for some scale.

Sky Watch

All of the sky photos below were taken from our place looking out over Puget Sound.

Stormy afternoon.
December 1st  3:42 PM
Enjoy more sky photos at Skywatch Friday. Thanks to Yogi for hosting!

Panorama - Olympic Mountain Range from Seattle
December 7th  4:58 PM
About 45 minutes after sunset.
Very clear air.

Very smoky air from California fires.
December 9th  3:53 PM

December 4th  4:09 PM
Ten minutes before "official" sunset time.
This is about as far south on the western horizon
as the sun will set as we near winter solstice.


This weekend Maria's Postcards for the Weekend link-up theme is "Museum/University." Those of us who collect postcards are to dig through our collection and find some cards to share that match the theme. Those of you who have followed us for a while will know that a large part of our postcard collection is related to Yellowstone National Park. So, sure enough, we found a card showing the Museum at Mammoth Hot Springs. Thanks to Maria for hosting the link-up.

Mammoth Hot Springs Museum
Photo by Haynes, Official Photographer

Back of the unused card
Note:  One cent postage required.
The current rate in 2017 is 34 cents.

Description enlarged.

Closing thought ...
     Ninety percent of this game is half mental.
     Yogi Berra


  1. Oh, I love Yogi Berra quotes! And your pictures are, as usual, just simply wonderful. All of them. So nice to see you here, John :-)

  2. Hello John, excellent connection with the word resolute and the tree by the ocean. Thank you for sharing this photo from your trip. And of course, thank you for sharing the postcard of the Mammoth Hot Springs museum. I'm very curious of what to find inside! Have a nice week ahead.

  3. I love that vintage postcard.
    You must have a great time taking all those beautiful pictures!

  4. Hello, I love the view of the tree and the boats. The sky captures are beautiful. Mammoth Hot Spring was one of my favorite places in Yellowstone. We stayed in a park cabin nearby. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead.

  5. The lone tree is an impressive sight.You know I also enjoy seeing the ships and of course the sky scenes.Each one is lovely in its own way.

  6. A beautiful sunset, John. Good to hear from you!

  7. Wow what superb sunsets you get there John. Wonder how the USS Nimiz would look by our new HMS Queen Elizabeth

  8. Hello John, Beautiful photos . . . you are certainly a great spokesman for Seattle:)
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
    Connie :)

  9. John, thank you fo your well wishes on my blog! A very happy holiday season to you and yours too. :)

    Beautiful shots!

  10. Oh how we love the Oregon coast and other parts as well on our many visits to my cousin in Portland. And what a great Admiral and fighting carrier name after him. Let us pray she has seen her last battles in the far Pacific. As Mammoth Hot Springs we camped there many time and in our "Golden Years" stayed in the big hotel. I have some great stories about bison, elk and brown bears I encounterrf on the nearby Lamar River. Perhaps I put them on my blog sometime...:)

  11. As always, beautiful shots. Thanks for visiting me. Sorry I didn't have the time to visit you here the past weeks as I was on vacation.

  12. Ah what glorious name for the survivor tree John!

    sublime and powerful ,wonderfully captured !

    you sky shots are master pieces of art of photography ,aMAZING views!

    lovely card ,so pretty!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....