Saturday, December 21, 2024

Winter Wishes

It's Winter again.

My end-of-the-year gallimaufry of images celebrating the Winter Solstice and the holiday season.

Holiday greetings
to all of you!

Skies 🌝

Full Cold Moon - Dec 14 2024 7:55PM
Last Full Moon of the year.

At Latitude 47N Winters can be dark.
One of the earliest sunsets of the year,
December 18
th 4:15PM.
Amazing cloud reflections.

They say Montana is Big Sky Country -
But this Washington sky is pretty BIG.
For scale, the tops of the mountain range in
the lower right ... 43 miles away.
[Be sure to click on images for better view.]

Vintage Holiday Card ... 📪

A favorite from my Postcard Collection.
I featured this card in my December 2014 post.
Still a favorite, so wanted to send it to you again.
Wow ... 10 years has flown by!

Address side of the postcard.
Postmarked 1907 ... stamp is missing.
Mailed 117 years ago!

As of 2023, about 10 trillion images were stored online via cloud storage and other media platforms. Thanks to Google we can find a 1907 stamp. 

A one cent stamp, 1907.

Extended Flower Joy  🌺

Ok, here is the story. I love fresh cut flowers. In the image above, on the left, you'll see fresh Gerbera Daisies purchased on a Monday. On the right, same flowers on Friday. A couple are drooping, but I don't want to toss them out. Found an ice cream dish, added a little water, and positioned the Daisy on top. Easy to move around and add a little color to any part of the room. I don't think I'm unique in doing this sort of thing, but thought it worth sharing. 

Holiday Decorations  🎄

A home in my neighborhood. (Not mine ☺)
I like decorations when they are done tastefully.
These neighbors did it perfectly.

Many of the sailboats in the Marina
have lights on their mast.
Can you imagine living on a sailboat?

Ships  ⛴

Sometimes the light and clear air give me a good 
opportunity to capture one of our State Ferries.
This Ferry sails between Seattle
and Bainbridge Island.

Despite the ship moving to the north, the wind
was so strong, engine smoke is also blowing north.
(In this image north is to the right.)
You know it's rough when you see the white caps.

Birds  🐦
Reposting 3 of my favorite hummingbird captures ...

My favorite Hummer at Sunset
[First posted in 2023]

👉 Critter lovers check out Saturday's Critters 👈

Here's lookin' at ya
[First posted in 2023]

More Hummers at Sunset
[First posted in 2023]

Closing thoughts by Nat King Cole ...

Thanks for stopping by and best wishes for the holidays.

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...