Saturday, March 8, 2025

It's About Time

Daylight "Saving" Time begins
tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM
(March 9, 2025)
in USA 

100 years ago there were no smartphones to check for accurate time. At that time, the most accurate time was provided by Western Union Time Service. This little folder (cover image above) was issued to advertise their service to banks, stores, and offices. How did they know the exact time? They got it from the United States Naval Observatory, where a telescope was used to track time by looking at the stars. How did they get time from the stars? By measuring the time it takes for the Earth to rotate exactly once a period of 24 hours could be determined precisely. (I know, if you're a Flat-Earther this is problematic, but just go with the Earth is round this time. 😉) What does all this have to do with Western Union? Once accurate time was determined at the Naval Observatory a signal was sent daily over the Western Union Telegraph System to update clocks all across the nation.

Click on image for larger image ...
possibly readable.

Learning Table Manners, postcard from 1939 ...

An old postcard from my collection.
This one is titled "Learning Table Manners"

Postmarked July 17, 1939
To Mrs Lucy Graves, PO Box 94, LeMoille Illinois
no ZIP code 😉

Ok, I flipped the card so you can read the message.
I love the way J. E. Stelzer signed the card
with his nickname "BROMO" as in Bromo-Seltzer ...
a headache remedy invented in 1888.

I love the title and description.
Enjoy more critters at Saturday's Critters!


Spring time is Daffodil time in the Pacific Northwest. In my last post (Feb 7th) I included an image of daffodils breaking the ground. Out on walks, I continued to watch those Dafs and snapped a few more pictures of the progress. I combined those pictures into the collage below.

Same Daffodils, different days.
A little over a month from breaking ground to bloom.
[Click on image for larger view.]

Nature makes an ordinary traffic circle
look pretty good.


More poster stamps to share. The stamps below were issued by the Northern Pacific Railroad in the early 1900s. This group is titled Wonderland Series 7. 

10 Stamps Wonderland Series 7

Clockwise from top left:
In the Heart of the Cascade Range
At Canon Beach Near Astoria, Oregon
On the Summit of Mt Hood, Oregon 11,225 Feet High
A Glimpse of the Columbia River

Clockwise from top left:
Mt Rainier Wash 14,408 Feet High
From the Summit of Mt Spokane
The Gallatin River Montana
Sport on a Mountain Trout Stream
The Celilo Falls Columbia River
Green River, Cascade Range Wash


March 5 - Clouds and Sun near sunset
looking across Puget Sound to
the Olympic Mountains

Another March 5 capture after sunset.
The thing that interested me ... the shadows of
the rain falling from clouds in the distance.
The Chopper was a happy coincidence. 😊

This week's question ...

Do you get ads ... ALL OVER ... when moving around the Internet? I sure do and some of them are amusing. I have an example for you below. It's a screenshot of an ad from an investment company. I do like the art ... the couple ... who don't look old ... enjoying something to eat with their dog along side. I made one modification to the ad. Can you find it?  😂

Closing thought ... 

By Richard Paul Evans

Thanks for stopping by John's Island!

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...