Friday, January 8, 2016

Yellowstone in Stereo [ca 1904]

From our Yellowstone collection ...

About one minute of audio for an introduction ...

Modern version.
Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Viewer

Vintage Version
Stereo Viewer in our collection.

Showing the setup.
The photographic card can be moved forward and backward
to achieve the best focus.
The 3D effect is very good.
Photo from the web showing stereoviewer and setup.
(Photo courtesy University of Kansas Library)
Stereoviews from our collection ...

Stagecoach leaving railroad station at Gardiner, Montana
bound for the hotel at Mammoth Hot Springs
Yellowstone National Park
Published by Underwood and Underwood
Early 1900s

Fort Yellowstone
Did you know YNP was protected by the US Military in the past?

Mammoth Hot Springs

Each card has a full description printed on the back.

Although the Stereos in this post are old, about 1904,
they are in very good condition.

Buffalo in Yellowstone

The "Golden Gate"

"Black Growler" geyser
Tourists are not allowed to get so close to geysers today!

"Constant Geyser"
Today, Park Officials would not want you to get
this close to the Geyser.

"Devil's Inkwell"
Notice the tourist wearing a coat, tie, and vest.
Typical attire for tourists in the early days.

A bear in Yellowstone.
Bears are typically one of the wild animals tourists most
want to see during their visit to the Park.
How do you like the Stereoviews? Have you ever used a vintage Stereoviewer? If you are wondering, yes, some stereos were published in color. Some were referred to as "colorized".  Now, after recording our introduction, we did a little more research and realize, that, technically, these stereoviews do not produce a full 3-Dimensional image, or virtual image. However, it's pretty good!

Learn more about the New York Times VR Project here.

Learn more about the whole concept here.

We will be sharing more stereos in future posts. Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Just lovely! We have a Google VR viewer too.

  2. Nice, John! They are in very good condition. And I wish the military still guarded YNP instead of heading to foreign countries for wars! :-)

  3. very cool

    We love our gimmicks, don't we :)

  4. Ah, this is a cool gimmick, John!! Thanks for sharing, as always!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  5. These were the fore runners of some of the things we have today. People thought they were awesome. Remember the veiw master?

  6. Very interesting. The stereo of the terraces puts me in mind of the pink and white terraces that were lost after Mount Tarawera erupted in 1886. They were a great tourist attraction as well. Here is a link if you are interested.


  7. Hi John, another very interesting post.
    Happy weekend!

  8. I've never used a stereo viewer but I think it looks fascinating!

  9. Neat! I have two similar stereoscopes and a large collection of picture cards. The grandchildren were amazed at what I told them served as TV for their great great grandparents...:)

  10. Hello, I have never used a stereo viewer. It looks neat. I love the Yellowstone images. Have a happy new week!

  11. Hi John, sorry I have missed a few of your posts,happy new year to you. The stereo viewer is quite impressive for its time :)

  12. I like it so much. They really are good.

  13. That's a cool gadget. How are you doing John? I hope you are having good weather and you are getting back in the groove after holiday. Happy New Year!

  14. Wow! Neat to see the new one compared with the old! The stereoviews look very neat. It is interesting how people used to dress as well. Now we've moved way over to to the side of comfort--and to some degree I'm glad of that. Thanks for recording the introduction--it helped me understand the device better.


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