Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day [1920s]

For all Mothers ... A postcard just for you ...

About 95 years later, the words are still true.

We're estimating this unused card to be from the early 1920s.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. What a beautiful post card, pity it was never used!

  2. A lovely card and perfect for today.. Have a happy Sunday, John!

  3. I love the sentiment and the fine period art in the card. Thank you for the message, John. Hope you are well. :-)

  4. I love it- great postcard. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Nice card. I thought the same thing as jabbott - pity it was never used.

  6. This is gorgeous, John! Enjoy your day, my friend.

  7. Well, that's a neat way to do your Mother's Day post.

  8. A pretty card for the Mother's Day!

  9. The truth echoes through eternity.
    That's another pretty card you got there.

  10. Very nice one... A perfect dedication!

  11. Lovely card. The mother pictured looks like a kindly woman, even though she is not smiling. Interesting how back in the day, people did not smile for portraits--some of my relatives look pretty stern!

  12. So sweet! I love to see that face!


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