Saturday, August 22, 2015

Yellowstone Souvenir Folder [1910s] and More

From our collection of old postcards ...

Yellowstone National Park
Souvenir Folder
ca 1910 - 1915
In the early 1900s it was not uncommon for travelers to visit a place and pick up a souvenir folder of views that could remind them of their visit. This was sort of like buying a whole bunch of postcards and wrapping them into one cover. This particular folder is a very early one from Yellowstone National Park. In those days, if you purchased one of these, you could mail it to a friend for one cent postage (as long as you didn't include a message ... in that case, you needed more postage!) For you modern folks out there this surely was not as convenient as Instagram, but in our humble opinion, has a more lasting quality. Now, here are some of the images in the Souvenir Folder ...

#4304 - A Park Bear
Linking up with Saturday Critters. Thanks Eileen! Check out Saturday Critters for neat critter posts!
#4321 - Crater of Mud Volcano

#4323 - Hyman Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs

#4291 - The Sponge, Upper Geyser Basin

#5341 - Silver Gate
This one helps date the folder. Horse carriages
were phased out around 1915.

#7713 - Fort Yellowstone
Many people do not know YNP was guarded by
the US Army in early years.

#8138 - Northern Pacific Depot and Entrance to Park
The Northern Pacific was first railroad to serve YNP.

#4293 - Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
from Artist Point
This is the back cover of the folder.
A narrow cut across the top will accomodate the
closing flap you see in the next image.

Back cover with closing flap.
Have you seen Yellowstone National Park?

Recent skies ...

August 9 late evening.
Breezy conditions as clouds move out after
our first rainy weekend in several weeks.

August 11 about 8 PM

August 11 at sunset. Smoke in the skies from regional
forest fires adds to the color.

August 12 near sunset.

August 17 near sunset.

August 18 just after sunset. We did not even notice
crows in tres on left until looking at the picture later.
Do you see them? We were trying to capture the way
the mountains created shadows in the sky.

August 18 after sunset. Olympic Mountains to the west.
Linking up with Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the hosts! Check out their site for more sky photos.

Maritime Update ...

We noticed two NOAA ships in harbor this past week.

NOAA ship Bell M Shimada
in Elliott Bay at anchorage.
The Bell M Shimada is a Fisheries Survey Vessel. More info here.

NOAA ship Thomas G Thompson
near Pier 90
The Thomas G Thompson is an Oceanographic Research Ship operated by the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington. More info here.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Nice souvenir pictures, John, but I think I enjoyed the sunset pictures the most. The smoke just moved into Bellingham and cut the sunlight way back. I'm so sad about what is happening to the Pacific Northwest with everything just burning up. :-(

  2. Hello JOhn, I like the Yellowstone souvenir folder. The images are wonderful, he bear and Artist Point are two of my favorite Yellowstone scenes. I love your sky shots too, are the fires out yet? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I love the souvenir images but your personal photos are absolutely gorgeous! :)

  4. Lovely stuff, many thanks for sharing!

  5. Such a wonderful post, John!!! I do love the postcards and the memories of Yellowstone and time spent there with my family years ago!! And what beautiful, beautiful skies!! Thank you, as always, for sharing!! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!! Enjoy!!

  6. Beautiful post cards and spectacular photos. I always enjoy your photos of the waterfront and mountains. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. the skies are pretty, although smoky. i've seen yellowstone about 34 years ago. :)

  8. ohh ... enjoyed all. I really want to go to YNP. But have to admit I nearly swooned over your sky shots. Very cool.

  9. In those days they didn't have digital cameras or cameras for that matter so the bought these folders to remind them of the trip. That's what I think?

  10. All so enjoyable. The skies are wonderful!

  11. Well actually I may have come from the new generation but I do love old postcards, stamps and other related items. They have certain charm and bring a different imagination when you stare and think about them.

    Your sky documentary is heavenly. One thing that makes me feel grateful is a beautiful sunset. It's like nature having a good mood and sharing it.

  12. Hello John,
    I loved looking at the postcards t- thank you so much for sharing your photos!
    I used to have a large collection of ones from Canada as a kid and now as an adult I buy them whenever I travel and mail to family and friends.
    The research vessels in the water is big and I bet is adequately equipped to conduct many a research project. Long time ago, I worked for the USFWS, as a non-biologist, and I am reminded of those days.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

    1. John,
      I am sorry for the typographical errors - just now I saw them.
      Have a Great Week ahead!
      Peace :)

  13. Wonderful skies! And I'd love to visit Yellowstone.

  14. it's in my bucket list! I'd love to go there soon :)

  15. Sorry John, I took a day off yesterday, so I couldn't comment here earlier :) Love that folder. Over here they are still available at points of high tourism and sometimes I buy them. There are usually some pictures in, which one might not be able to take by oneself. I love that Hyman Terrace - is it still that beautiful? Would love to see that myself :))
    And your sky images are beautiful, too bad the fires are still going on :(
    I looked up the Thomas G. and found it quite impressive :) I just wonder what else they do with that vessel, since Navy is not science but military...

    Have a fine week John!

  16. Great folder of pictures. Maybe back then we all didn't have cameras.
    Beautiful sky photos.

  17. The sunset scenes are just so stunning! Those postcards are so precious!!!

    This photo is just stunning! The tree is just so dramatic under the clear blue skies!

    Greetings from the Philippines!


  18. PS My latest Skywatch post was from my Trip to Seattle! I love Seattle so much :)


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