Saturday, October 17, 2015

Art of Howard Fogg - Old Postcards [Part 2]

From our collection of old postcards ...

With our September 30th post we introduced the art of Howard Fogg on postcards. If you missed the introduction a link is near the bottom of this post. We are continuing today by showing you ten more old postcards featuring Howard's railroad art.

To make the posting process a little more efficient, here is what we've done ... We start with the front side of the card ...

Then, since the back of the cards all look the same, except for the description ...

We copied the description below the front of each card so it can be viewed as one picture.

Christmas season arrives at Gateway Yard

Industrial switching

Beaver Station and Ohio River Bridge

Christmas Eve 1961 at Locomotive Shop

Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation

Eighty Mile an Hour Drink

Loveridge Mine

Campbell Works

Pittsburgh Forgings Company

United States Steel Corporation
Please be sure to see our first post in this series with an introduction to Howard Fogg and why his art was published on these postcards.

Sunsets for Sky Watch ...

October 11 sun peeking through the clouds

October 11 ... Later
Almost looks like an orange version of
Northern Lights.

October 15, just before sunset

Close up a few minutes later.

October 15 ... Later
Note the shadows of the mountains.
Maritime and more ...

OOCL freighter heading for Tacoma
Note waterfront homes on far shoreline.
Early morning photo. 

Cactus bloom with visitor.
This one is out of the archives.
Taken in 2004 in outback Montana.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. What a great idea for post the cards!! Thanks for sharing the info, John!! Beautiful pics for the day and your skies are awesome!! And, thank you, again for sharing the beauty!! Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend!!

  2. Hello John, wonderful collection of train cards. And your sunset shots are just beautiful! Have a happy weekend!

  3. Great set of photos,John. I do enjoy seeing the trains,but oh my,those sunsets are amazing.I agree with you,one can never have too many sunset pictures. Thank you so much for leaving such kind comments on my blog.

  4. A terrific collection of train cards.
    The sunsets very pretty.
    Great capture of the visitor. : )

  5. really nice card set. lovely skies, too.

  6. Ditto what Tex said. Just wonderful cards, and then those sunsets. And last of all, a green visitor! :-)

  7. Wow, John, what a beautiful series of sky photos and postcards. You really have a huge collection of cards. I'm glad you are getting to digitize your beautiful collection.

  8. Howard Fogg's paintings are much like a photo. You are having great fun with your sky photos.

  9. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    ya had me with those gorgeous skies!!

  10. Love those old trains. I spent my childhood on the high bluff overlooking the mighty Mississippi River and the Burlington, Milwaukee and Great Northern tracks with all the trains

  11. I like those old illustrations of the trains.

  12. Fabulous art work and trains are amazing!

  13. You postcards I find really very special and also very beautiful to see. The pictures, photos of nature are wonderful with beautiful colors.
    Greetings, Helma

  14. Always a pleasure visiting your page, John! :)

    I'm back again after being absentee from blogger for more than 2 months. I'll be traveling to Cambodia next month - I'll try to send you another postcard.

  15. Hi John,
    Trains, Trains and More Trains - on such lovely postcards.
    I hope the habit of sending handwritten messages on picture/postcards does not go away. It is such a joyous hobby, which is guaranteed to bring joy to the recipient also.
    So glad I stopped by!
    Peace :)

  16. Heh! Neat to see the visitor in the cactus bloom. I remember back when we were on a trip in 2002 we stopped somewhere where there were grasshoppers everywhere! We children had a great time catching the sometimes huge grasshoppers. We had a cookbook with recipes from Bible times. It told about John the Baptist eating locusts and honey and had some recipes for grasshopper cookies, and I think, fried locusts. We didn't give it a try, but that was our chance!

    Also loved all the photos of the trains. Will most likely be going to a train show with my grandparents again next weekend!


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