Monday, September 5, 2016

September Greetings

Hello Bloggers,

Fall is in the air in the Emerald City. Looking back at the last 3 months, using the National Weather Service records, the warmest day in Seattle was August 19th, when the temperature topped out at 95F (35C). The second warmest day was way back on June 5th, 93F (33.9C). July did not break into the 90s, but we got close on July 29th with 89F (31.6C). Mean temperatures were near perfect (in our humble opinion):  63.5 (17.5C) June, 66.8 (19.3C) July, and 68.7 (20.3C) August. Days with greater than 0.01 inches of rain:  June 10, July 6, and August 3, which means, for the 92 day period, 73 (about 80%) of the days were dry! Does that sound like your idea of Seattle? :-) Overall, it was a much more comfortable summer than 2015 which was blistering!

We took a little road water trip last week up North to see the glaciers and cap the summer and will be sharing some photos in the near future. In the meantime, here are some photos that captured the fall feeling we experienced yesterday (September 4th) here at home.

Early morning looking across Puget Sound.
Only a tiny amount of snow remains on the Olympic mountains.
Fog was drifting through the valleys.
September 4th  6:59 AM

After sunset, the waxing moon was pretty!
September 4th  8:17 PM
(Waxing crescent moon about 15% illuminated.)

The sliver of moon was bright enough to cast a
nice moonlight on the Sound.
September 4th  8:52 PM
To all of our US friends, have a happy Labor Day. To our Canadian friends, a happy Labour Day. And to all the rest of you around the world, a happy Monday!  Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. aw...nice shots.

    A happy Labrador to you too.

  2. oh, my goodness...that blue scene...

  3. All three pictures are outstanding, but I especially love the crescent moon. Happy Labor Day to you and yours, John! :-)

  4. Awesome sky photos. It's snowed in the mountains here, in fact it snowed right in Banff

  5. Beautiful photos, John. The first one is my favorite. Lovely shades of blue!

  6. Your pictures show such beauty.The temperatures sound wonderful out your way.We have had a lot of heat and more than our normal amount of rain.

  7. Thank you John! What a nice photos of your water-trip. Love also the blue in it!

  8. Beautiful pictures and a happy day to you.

  9. Gosh, is it fall already?! Where did summer go?
    Looking forward to see the skies this season in your coming posts.

  10. That moon is unbelievable! And the red sky... Amazing. Our world is so beautiful...stunning, really.

  11. Hello Johns, lovely views of the sky and mountains. The moon capture is awesome. I hope you Labor Day weekend was great. The trip to Alaska, sounds wonderful too. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  12. Gorgeous twilight captures. Thanks John...:)

  13. Love the photo of Puget Sound in the fog, and your shot of the moon sliver is neat too--particularly with the cloud, and the rest of the moon visible, though not illuminated! Will be looking forward to the photos from your trip! Seeing the glaciers sounds like a neat experience.

  14. Oooh I love that top photo John. Very beautiful. I haven't done the research but I think Seattle was much drier than Vancouver this summer. We had record rainfall over July and August. Nonetheless I did appreciate the cooler temperatures with a mix of warmer days. It was easier to handle than last summer's heat wave. I look forward to seeing your "northern" photos. I'm thinking perhaps you were on a cruise to Alaska.

  15. Lovely crescent! Somehow The moon looks so much bigger when out in the sea!👍


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