Friday, September 22, 2017

Goodbye Summer!

It has been a unpleasant summer in Washington State, but not as bad as a few other places like Florida, Texas, and the Caribbean.

The worst, for Seattle, was the smoke, for days on end, from wildfires in British Columbia and Eastern Washington. Not to mention the excessive heat.

Summer ends when Fall begins in Seattle today, Friday, September 22nd at 1:02 PM! Bye Bye Summer!

Ship spotting through smoky skies ...

Smoke over the Marina
(and everywhere else too!)
August 4th

August 4th

August 10th
Still smoky!

Back to some clean air, September 18th
NOAA's Bell M Shimada
near Pier 91

Skies were smoky for days ...

Smoke sure created some unusual sunsets.

Looking out over the Marina

Smoke so thick it made the sun look like the moon at sunset.
Snapped right as the sun dropped behind the Olympic Mountains.
August 4th  8:25 PM

Some days weren't so bad!

August 21st

Impressed with the clouds!
August 11th

We liked this one!

August 23rd
We had a nice break from smoke around this time.

In the distance ... rainfall at sunset.
August 14th
After the wettest winter on record, we had the driest summer. Go figure.

It wasn't all bad ...

Had to wonder what this was about.
Circling over Puget Sound on Sunday, August 20th.
Our guess:  Filming for a movie.
Re the photo above ... Just a lucky capture. We just happened to be sitting out on the deck when we noticed the planes coming in from the west. We snapped a bunch of shots and this one is the best of the lot. The planes looked like they were going in for a landing at Boeing Field (just south of downtown Seattle). Instead, they circled up, around and headed north. Neither plane had any kind of military marking. They remained in close formation while in our sight.

Last visit to Volunteer Park Dahlia Garden
August 22nd
The hot, dry summer had the garden in decline.
But there were still a few beauties!

All's well that ends well?  :-)
Thanks for stopping by John's Island. Hope you had a good summer wherever you are!

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...