Friday, April 8, 2022

Early April in Seattle & an Experiment

 I've been walking every day. Here are a few pics from early April. Most of these pics were taken during my walks. Those of you who've been following the blog know that walking daily is a challenge I set for myself in early 2021. So, I'm working on my second year now. My #1 recommendation for improving your own wellness is to start walking daily, about 2 miles (3.21km) or more.

Signs of Spring

At work on this year's nest.
[Click on images for larger view.]

See lots more critter pics via Saturday's Critters! 

On the left ... After a very rainy night
On the right ... new growth
Daily Start Photo
Every day, at the start of my walk, at a certain spot
I snap a photo of the scene to record the sky condition.
Above are 4 different days in early April.
On the left ... a reflection in the walk path
On the right ... the trees above

Just happened to be at the right spot
at the right time to catch the rising sun
reflecting off the windows of the Space Needle
April 6th  6:59AM
At anchor, waiting for the opportunity to be 
loaded with grain at the Grain Terminal.

The "Great Hope" being loaded with grain from the
Mid-West destined for Asia

Foss Tug in early morning light.

Big OOCL departing for Asia.
OOCL - Your Vital Link to World Trade

Cruise ship season is about to open in Seattle later in April.
Here is Ovation of the Seas arriving April 8, 2022,
but not to start its summer cruise season yet.
Seattle Cruse Ship Schedule 2022 - PDF
I like the beams of light.
Looking west from Seattle over Puget Sound
Bainbridge Island in the distance.

Just after sunset, April 5th
Click to see the large image.
Then, take a long look at the bright cloud,
in the center, just above the mountains.
What do you see?  😈

April, 2022

A day or two after this post I’m starting an experiment. Realizing there is little I can do about the state of the world, perhaps taking a break from the steady stream of information regarding how humans treat other humans might improve my own sense of wellbeing. I’m starting with an expectation of taking a month, maybe more, for my experiment. What I’m going to do is disconnect from media of all sorts. No more following the news on the internet and trying to figure out what is true and what isn’t. Same for news on TV, radio, newspapers, etc. Also cutting back on social media, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Tired of so much negativity without realistic plans for improvement. Humankind is in a state of disarray. Although there has long been speculation about the “end times”, it seems to me we are closer than ever. So many humans trying to force their own beliefs on other humans. So, I’m taking a break from it. The reason I mention this is, for those of you who blog, or follow me on other social media, you may not see me for a while. No worries, all is well. And especially to my blog friends ... my experiment is not about you ... you are, for the most part, encouraging and uplifting. However, this experiment cannot be carried out peacemeal. Taking a break from the internet means taking a break from blogging. So, see you again soon. Take care, be well, and stay safe!   


It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...