Friday, September 6, 2024

Hello September

 Cut Care Confirmation

In my last post I gave you 7 tips for keeping
cut flowers fresh. Most unusual was #7 ...
Add aspirin to the water. I purchased the flowers
above at the Farmer's Market last Saturday.
This is how they looked yesterday (Thursday).
Looking good to me for 5 days.

Walk snaps

Fall colors are underway.
Love this leaf!

Most of the plant was was looking done, 
but a couple of blooms were still brilliant.

Could this be true?
Google says this:  Urine has nitrogen and minerals
that will kill carnivorous plants. Golly, I thought
the neighbor was being mean. Guess not.

Critter Watch

Male Anna's Hummingbird at my feeder.
-- See lots more critters at Saturday's Critters --

Sky Watch

Looking over the Marina, across Puget
Sound, to the Olympic Mountains 
in the distance. Wildfire smoke colors
the sky.

Unusual ... the setting sun highlights wind-blown
rain falling from a cloud.

Strange photo of the sun setting behind the 
Olympic Mountains on this smoky day,
September 6, 2024.

Ship Watch

US Coast Guard Cutter POLAR STAR
returning to home port, Seattle.

Fully loaded CMA CGM Container ship
arriving Seattle

Sailboats on Puget Sound

Climate Watch
Washington Post, September 6, 2024
It was plenty hot in Seattle, for sure.

Closing thought ...


It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...