Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Great Northern Ry [1930s] Dahlia Garden [2015]

From our collection of old postcards ...

Old fashioned postcard folder with 18 views.
"In the Cascades"
"As seen on the Main Line of
Great Northern Railway"
 Here are 6 of the views in the folder ...
Wenatchee River

The Oriental Limited in
the Heart of the Cascades

Business Section of Tacoma

Water Front Seattle
Olympic Mountains in the Background

Scenic Hot Springs

Along the Skykomish River
Dahlia Garden update ...

Those of you who have followed us for a while will recall our posts featuring the dahlias from the garden of the Puget Sound Dahlia Association located in Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington. Earlier this summer we posted the first blooms. We returned on Sunday, August 16, for another look. The garden is now mostly in bloom. Here are a few photos from our visit ... we will share more on a future post.

Click on images for larger view.

Playing around with the mosaic thing. Lots to learn!
Ever wonder how bees can fly where they want so perfectly?

Some of the blooms are really large!

Just another blue-sky day in Puget Sound.

Our post with the first blooms this season is here.

Our post to last season's wrap-up, and links to other dahlia posts, is here.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hello Johns, the Cascades is a beautiful area. Hubby and I toured much of this North Cascade park. It is a shame there is that fire near Lake Chelan, we loved our visit there. Your flowers and images are beautiful. Looks like a beautiful garden to visit. Have a happy day!

  2. Love all the views from the postcard viewer, especially the one of the Wenatchee River. There are so many varieties of dahlias! I enjoyed your photos. I grow some red ones.

  3. The skyline of Tacoma and Seattle look a bit different today, don't they? I love all your pretty dahlia pictures, John. And as you say, "just another sunny day in Seattle" is right! We didn't get much rain last week like you did, and I am ready for a change. :-)

  4. The dahlia garden is beautiful I it was fantastic to see in person!

  5. A beautiful place it is indeed and typical of the colorful beauty you find here in the northwest I loved visiting there when I lived in Seattle! Your captures are terrific and thank you so much for sharing the color and the beauty!! Great way to start my day!! Hope your week is going well!!

  6. Oh, and your new header is awesome!! Such a great view of the skyline!!!

  7. Beautiful blooms. Favorite is the last one.

  8. Shot that record the season make an interesting post. We soon forget what it was like in spring.

  9. Great photos. I LOVE the Dahlias.Actually tried growing some this year,but they were not a pretty as the pictures you show.

  10. Hello John, Dahlias are some of my favourite flowers, there is such a variety of them.
    Really interesting postcard views as well. Thanks.


  11. Hello John, thank you for this beautiful post :)
    Love all the views from the postcard, and the
    flowers too, especially the last one, it's so
    nice and bright red, love it! :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  12. Wonderful shots of the flowers!


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