Saturday, July 4, 2015

Firecracker 4th and More

Happy Birthday USA!

Today is America's 239th Birthday
This old postcard, from our collection, is almost 100 years old.
Be careful with your firecrackers! :-)

First blooms at Volunteer Park Dahlia Garden ...

Kelsey Amethyst
We've been watching this garden for a couple of years now and have shared pics several times. We generally expect the first blooms in early July and these are right on schedule. There are literally hundreds of dahlias in the garden ... these three were the first to bloom in 2015.

Taratahi Glow


Harbor Activity ...

Bulk Carrier Shandong Hai Xing moved into place for loading on the morning of July 2nd. Details on this ship are in the screen shot below from

A couple of Crowley tugs moving the ship early morning July 2nd.
A portion of the Elliott Bay Marina is in the foreground.

Moving from anchor to Grain Terminal 86

A closer look at the ship's name.
Home port is Hong Kong

Info from
Maersk Chennai
Arriving Port of Seattle
July 3rd from Shanghai, China

Visit to the P Patch ...

Right on the edge of our neighborhood is the Interbay P Patch. We stopped by on June 28. Here are a few pics from the Patch ...

This pic just shows a very small part of the patch.
Not seen in the photo ... several gardeners working on their patches and a few
other visitors to boot.

Doesn't this red onion look great?

We liked the color and thought it a bit unusual.

If you are a gardener, and even if you're not, here is our question:  Which are your favorites ... the veggies or the flowers?

Moon over Puget Sound ... Very early ... Around 5:30 AM ... July 2nd ...

Auto Ferry near the bottom en route Seattle from Bainbridge Island.
The Full Moon occured on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, at 7:20 PM PDT.
In Native American lore this one is known as Full Buck Moon.
There will be another Full Moon on July 31 ... The Blue Moon!
July 2nd Sunset 

Looking west across Puget Sound
Olympic Mountains in the distance.

Record High Temperature set today
at SEATAC airport = 93F
We wish the heat would stay down South!!!
Last but not least ... Close up of the moon, 5:32 AM, July 3, 2015 ...

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Happy 4th of July, John! :)
    I like that old card, it's pretty :)
    And I love the pictures of the
    ships with lots of sunshine :))
    And the pretty flowers!
    But not the veggies, they look
    like a lot of work ;)

    Have a great holiday weekend!
    Tinna ✐

  2. Hello John, wow the 100 year old postcard is awesome. You must have a great collection. I love all the flowers and pretty colors. The shots of the harbor are great, it looks like a busy place. The moon is gorgeous. Great post, happy 4th of July to you and yours.

  3. I like to look at the flowers and eat the veggies. I planted yellow onions this year and they're doing great! Happy Fourth to you and yours, John. :-)

  4. beautiful skies and neat harbor scenes. your blooms are my kinda firecracker. :)

  5. Beautiful photos.

    Happy 4th, John!

  6. Have a great fourth of July! You have a good mixture of photos today.

  7. Enjoyed your variety presentation of so many interesting things. Best of all, I loved your pretty flowers.

  8. Happy 4th of July, John!! I do love your post for the day with the beautiful flowers, that wonderful old card and the harbor!! I do miss Seattle! Hope you have a great day/weekend! Enjoy the moment!!

  9. John you have filled this post with amazing beauty. I usually lean towards flowers,but veggies are beautiful in a different way.I love the ship scenes as well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Happy 4th of July John. The vintage post card is very cute and the photos today are outstanding. I love flowers more than veggies but I love to eat veggies ;-)

  11. Gorgeous flowers shots and such pretty skies too.

  12. Happy 4th, John, and your photos are lovely! I hope your weekend is a happy and wonder filled one. :)

  13. What a terrific collections of pictures. Just beautiful. Now that is a tough question. Though I like both and I feel I should say vegetables because you can eat them too, but I'm going to go with the flowers. : )

  14. These are some really nice shots, John. I am a gardener, and I love both the flowers and the veggies. If I could I had dahlias in my garden, but they are such water hogs that I can't have them here. Beautiful flowers, though. That color on the Cape or African Daisy that you call unusual is a pretty new one, and I want to get a few for my garden.

  15. Happy 4th of July my friend, and the community garden is amazing!

  16. I hope you enjoyed a fabulous 4th of July, John!

  17. Great post! Very nice the 100 year old postcard and all wonderful the images.
    Have a pleasant week ahead!

  18. Hi John, glad to know that you are very impressed with Pope Francis. I also am following with interest his visit to South America.
    Thanks so much for your always nice comments on my blog.
    Many greetings.

  19. Those flowers are just magnificent!
    Happy 4th of July! I know I'm late but I had a problem with my internet connection since last week.

    Well, better late than never.

  20. The flowers are gorgeous! Love the dahlias...mine usually bloom a bit late--around August and September I think. I grow my own flower garden, but my family keeps a large vegetable garden.

  21. The dahlia us so nice. Love the last flowerphoto.. But the red Onion is als great!


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