Thursday, July 16, 2015

Travel Posters on Postcards - Rail America [Part 1]

From our postcard collection ...

Introduction ...

One of the most desirable things to add to a collection of train and/or railroad memorabilia is a vintage travel poster published by one of the major railroad companies back in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. The posters, which are rare and hard to find in good condition today, were designed to draw attention to travel by rail. The art on many of the posters is very appealing. Someone came up with the idea of going to the Library of Congress, where hundreds of these posters are preserved, scan a few and put the images on postcards. While the original prints are usually about 30" x 40" and may be valued in the thousands of dollars, the postcards are like a thumbnail view at an affordable price. We added several of the postcards to our collection and thought you might enjoy seeing a few. If you have an original in your collection we would like to know about it.

The New Empire State Express
New York Central System
The back of all the cards is similar and includes a description of the poster on the front. Here is an example ...

Each card includes the information about where the poster is stored in the Library of Congress ...

The next poster is called "Hunting" by the North Shore Limited. Please don't jump to the conclusion that we advocate shooting birds. We are simply showing you the poster that probably appealed to the avid sportsman. We do, however, advocate shooting birds with a camera!
Hunting by the North Shore Line

Atlantic City
The Playground of the World
Travel by Train

Yellowstone Park -- Northern Pacific's
Yellowstone Park L

Washington DC
Travel by Train

Sunset Route
by Rail and Sea to New York

New York Central Lines
Grand Central Terminal
The Gateway to a Continent

Washington, the City Beautiful
Pennsylvania Railroad

Mt St Helens -- Northern Pacific
North Coast Limited

So, how do you like the travel posters?

Mid-July Weather Update

July got off to an unusually warm start and we reported on the smoke from forest fires in our last post. The last few days have seen a return to blue skies and cooler temperatures. When we are out on our walks this time of year there always seem to be a few flowers we can't resist capturing on our camera. Here is one we liked and thought it was a good candidate for some digital processing ...

For comparison, here is the original ...

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I like your post cards John.

  2. Oh, these are terrific posters/post cards, John!! How fun and great memories, too!! Thank you so much for sharing! It has been an unusually warm early summer for the northwest, hasn't it!!! But, it's always beautiful regardless!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

  3. I adore all of these images. Something about vintage images....showing the world as it used to be.

  4. Hi John, Wow these are great poster/post card images and what a nice addition to your collection. Love the pretty flower and the editing you created with the original.
    Have a nice weekend. cm

  5. Oh, John, these are wonderful! I enjoyed them, every one, and I marveled at how little Grand Central Station has changed. And I have to say thank you for introducing me to these marvelous images. I am enriched by your posts. :-)

  6. It was a much different style of life at that time. I also like the style of artwork used.

  7. wow fantasic post and fantastic postcards

  8. Nice selection of postcards!

  9. Hello John, it was a great idea that they made the posters into postcards. What a great collection! The flower images are lovely. Have a happy weekend!

  10. I always enjoy viewing your postcard collection!!! I think my favorite this week is the one of Mount St. Helens.

  11. I LOVE your travel posters. And yes I am in Canada. B

  12. Hi John! :)
    Love all your posters, especially the Sunset Route and the one of Mt. St. Helen with still having it's top :)) And you've done some artwork on the flower picture - love it! :))

    Have a beautiful weekend!
    Tinna ✐

  13. cool postcards. Makes me want to pack a bag.

  14. The posters make stunning postcards!

  15. The poster cards have lovely artwork on them. I do love the simple rose.In my eyes it is always a winner.Have a great weekend.

  16. I love the postercards and postcards. That from Yellowstone Park--Northern Pacific is so great!

    Beautiful flower!

  17. They document America in another era. Love 'em. Favorite is that Empire Express.

  18. The posters are beautiful. What a great idea to make them into postcards.

  19. Oh your lucky and we are lucky that you take time to show and tell your posters and history of them all as you put them up. That takes time. .

    Thank you. I do not know of anyone who collects History posters like you do.

  20. Amazing poster/postcards, all so interesting.
    Have a nice day!

  21. Love the Yellowstone one...and the Grand Central Terminal. Great collection! The Yellowstone postcard reminds me of a stamp, though I think the postcard is prettier.


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....