Friday, March 4, 2011

Ocean Away

The journey:  From John's Island to the real islands in the middle of the Pacific. A slow cruise and good way to escape completely. Imagine about 2460 miles at about 21 miles an hour. Los Angeles to Hilo, Hawaii, takes about 4 days. The picture above was taken on morning of the third day just as we were entering the tropics by crossing over the Tropic of Cancer. The vastness of the Pacific Ocean is difficult to fully appreciate, but this journey helps. It's good to be back home too.


  1. I'd really enjoy a nice slow cruise if it didn't have all the population that goes with it. :)

  2. Good looking panorama. Can't wait for my 9 day at sea in May.

  3. What a wonderful & beautiful time for you. Looking forward to your posts :)

  4. Welcome Home John! What a lovely ocean photo...can't wait to see more pics!! :)

  5. Oh what a nice trip! We've missed you!! Welcome back!

  6. Beautiful shot of the ocean! Looking forward to seeing your photographs. Welcome back! :D

  7. John, welcome back. That looks so serene. I bet it was a wonderful trip and very relaxing. Glad to have you back & we'll see you on Twitter!

  8. I like you post today.

    To answer your question about rain.

    We get rain, and there is a poem little kids are taught that sums it up.

    April showers
    bring May flowers
    May flowers bring June brides
    June brides brings Oscar, Wanda and Jim
    back together again.

    I can't remember the whole thing and I didn't know there were dozens of variations.

  9. Welcome back, John! A most lovely image ... so very serene. We certainly missed your wonderful presence. I hope your trip was relaxing and enjoyable. Looking forward to more photographs from your travels!


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