Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pot of Gold?

Around John's Island headquarters we had a bit of rain yesterday afternoon and just as the sky was clearing looked out to see this rainbow over Capitol Hill. If you've read our Profile you know the whole "gold" thing. So, we were kinda excited to think we might find some gold close by. But exactly WHERE is the end of that rainbow? As we usually do, we consulted the web for some help to find the Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. Consulting Wikipedia we found: "This place is impossible to reach, because the rainbow is an optical effect which depends on the location of the viewer." The search for gold continues.

Everyone have a good day! 


  1. Beautiful shot with the rainbow! The colors of the city are wonderful!

  2. Beautiful image. Also loved yesterday's moon. So much beauty - who needs gold?


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....