Hello followers! Have you been reading about what's happening in the digital camera market these days? I've been kind of surprised to find out that sales for all stand-alone digital cameras, except the very high end models, have been on the decline for the last year or two. It turns out that more and more people are discovering that the best camera you can use is often simply the one you have with you, and more and more that turns out to be the camera in your smartphone. For me, it's the iPhone, and, if for nothing else, I love it for its camera capability. Since 2008 I've been capturing spur-of-the-moment shots that I would probably never have captured with a separate "camera only". I even maintain a separate archive of photos taken with the phone. Of course, I'm still taking a lot of photos with my primary camera, the Lumix GF1, and most frequently, those photos turn out to be the ones taken on a "photography outing." Now, having said all that, let's get to the point. There is a certain sort of person who says to me ... "You're just a 'clicker nut' taking all those photos and what are you ever going to do with them? Will you ever look at them?" [Sound familiar?] I can tell you for sure, it is fun to go back and look at the old pictures. And we are not talking family photos here, but just the scenes of ordinary life that are memorable for one reason or another. Here, below, are some shots taken with the iPhone in 2008. Be sure to click on the photos for a larger view. Hope you enjoy and thanks, as always, for stopping by John's Island.
Riding the streetcar ...
Impressed by a Coast Guard vessel ...
And then, one job I don't want : - ) ....
Waiting for a ship to come in ...
Capturing a rainbow ...
The quiet of a restaurant just opened and before the crowds arrive ...
Waterfront on a pretty day ...
Being political without expressing politics ...
Ahhh, a clean car ...
A path through the leaves ...
Good to know they are nearby ...
Fall in the city ...
Just to prove we really do have blue skies in Seattle ...
A small Montana town ...
Life's little delays ...
A great cup of coffee ...
Quick snaps in Yellowstone ...
Flowers on a walk ...