Thursday, May 16, 2013

Palisades Montana

Please be sure to click on the photo for the larger view. This is an area in southwest Montana known as The Palisades. It's bordered by a very large wall of rocks along the Madison River. The photo was taken on May 15, 2013, near the Palisades Campground. The whole area is remote and home of many kinds of wildlife. While visiting here we spotted a family of Canadian geese taking their very young goslings out for one of their first floats on the river. The geese were on the opposite side of the river so we have a series of enlargements. Focus and tiny movements keep perfection out of the captures, but still hope you will enjoy.

Mom keeping an eye on kids

Come on, kids ...

Mom calling for daddy?

Dad arrives.

All is well.
The Madison flows out of Yellowstone Park and joins up with the Jefferson and Gallatin Rivers to form the Missouri River near Three Forks, Montana.  The Missouri, of course, flows into the Mississippi which ultimately flows into the Gulf of Mexico.  (Just wanted to give you the scope!)

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Lovely photos. So many little goslings.

  2. I love your nature photo's....the little one's are so cute...the best part of Spring. :)

  3. Awwww...that is just so sweet!

  4. Lovely pictures. Seeing those goslings is so wonderful and the adults are very good parents.

  5. Those rocks are cool! And love that beautiful family!


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....