Sunday, June 16, 2013

June in Seattle

Greetings to followers and visitors. Thanks for stopping by John's Island where John posts photos to the web with the thought that maybe some other folks might enjoy seeing what's going on in his little part of the world.

Today's post consists of a variety of scenes all happening within the last couple of weeks in or around Seattle, Washington, USA.

John walks around Green Lake almost daily and
is impressed with this form of exercise.
Whether as a group, or individually, this just looks
like fun.
This is actually what most people would call a weed.
It is difficult to capture the subtle, almost white, color of the bloom.
Didn't have this one in time for Mother's Day.
Mom has her work cut out for her keeping an eye on all these
youngsters.  And we thought 8 was a lot.
Do you really have to bother me while dining?
John likes the color.

Like a stream of yellow.

It is hard to tell in this photo but both parents were standing
on one foot ... as if they were asleep. The little ones
were sound asleep.
Father's Day dawn, June 16, 2013
Looking northeast from downtown Seattle.
The mountains in the distance are the Cascades.
John likes the church spire in the lower middle.

Same day, a little later, looking more to the east.
This little critter was causing the crows in surrounding trees
to make quite a bit of racket, thus alerting John to his presence.
John was on his daily walk around Green Lake.

The Emerald City on the morning of June 16, 2013
This view is from the "ship canal bridge" looking southwest.

Lilly pads at the Japanese Garden

Looking skyward through a canopy of red leaves on a
tree at the Japanese Garden.


  1. oh, those last 2 are just gorgeous. i like that deep red lily bloom, too. nice scenes around your town!

  2. Beautiful series of pictures. I love the one with the geese.The calm water in the background with it's intense blue colour make a very pleasing image.

  3. Wow! A daily walk around the lake is very good. It also gives you a lot of wonderful photo subjects. This collection of photos is beautiful!

  4. Those are fantastic pictures, showing the incredible beauty of our home. Although I live a bit north of Seattle, I share the same vistas in many ways. Well, not the picture of the city. :-)

  5. You have some really amazing photo's. The last one looks like a painting. I really like the photo of the lily pads.

  6. Lovely shots - the last one is superb!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....