Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Under Lions Gate

Hello friends, followers, and visitors. Since our last post we've slipped into the best (in our humble opinion) season of the year:  Fall. Just last week John was aboard ship again and travelled from Vancouver, BC down to Los Angeles on the Golden Princess. This was the ship's fall "repositioning" cruise. Folks who are not regular cruisers may be unfamiliar with the term. It really is simple and just boils down to this:  Ships that have been, for example, sailing from Seattle to Alaska every 7 days all summer will end their season and head south for cruises to warmer locations for the winter. Repositioning cruises usually are short and take place just once in the spring and fall. Now, with all that said, let's get on to the video. Vancouver is such a beautiful city ... Leaving there on a cruise ship is always highlighted by sailing out of Vancouver Harbour through Burrard Inlet and under the Lions Gate Bridge. Enjoy the experience as you watch the video ... be sure to turn up your volume and enjoy the Cheers!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Fantastic! I would love to have been aboard this cruise!

  2. This is a lovely way to see the bridge and enjoy the ride.

  3. Oh, I did enjoy the cheers, and the beautiful clouds and bridge. Thank you! :-)

  4. Lion's Gate Bridge is quite beautiful ... and that view! Marvelous! I enjoyed watching your wonderful video, John. I hope you enjoyed the "repositioning" cruise. I hope all is well!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....