Sunday, October 11, 2015

Japanese Maple Leaf

Lately we've been watching the little Japanese Maple by our back door.

A couple of days ago we had to stop and admire the brilliantly red leaves ... they were so green just a few days earlier. A closer look revealed one leaf that showed the transition almost perfectly.

We pulled it off the tree and brought it in and scanned it.

The "micro world" has always been a fascination for us and this little leaf is no exception. We had to do some research to get correct names for the parts. The leaf has seven "lobes". An enlargement of one is below.

And here is the connecting point to the stem ...

The scanned image seemed inviting for some "digital" manipulation. We added the background color and some other effects. How do you like the result? Well, maybe we better not mess with Mother Nature!

Skies ...

A couple of recent sunsets have been sweet ...

October 5, 2015

October 9, 2015
Looking over Elliott Bay Marina
Bulk Carrier anchored and other marine traffic
in the distance. This is Puget Sound.
Ships sighted early October ...

U S Coast Guard Cutter
Northbound in Puget Sound

New Legend Pearl
Refueling before loading at Grain Terminal
Info from
Zim Rotterdam enroute Tacoma, Washington,
to unload cargo, reload, and depart for Busan,
South Korea

Info from
BTG Rainier anchored in Elliott Bay

Info from

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. You are nothing if not thorough, John. I love your pretty leaf, and your pictures and descriptions of the ships. I'm glad I found you. :-)

  2. Hello John, your Japanese Maple is looking beautiful. I love the pretty leaf and colors. Cool captures of the ships. Wonderful post and images. Have a happy Sunday and new week ahead!

  3. Another wonderful and interesting post for the day, John!! I do indeed love the Japanese Maple!! We have lots of them here in Portland, too! They're the perfect picture of Autumn!! Hope you have a great new week!!! Enjoy!!

  4. Really lovely stuff, thanks for sharing!

  5. beautiful little tree! love your views, too.

  6. Beautiful post John. I love it! I am a fan of the maple leaf. Guess you know why, lol. Did you move that tree and the planter from your last home? I bet it is awfully heavy but sure nice to look at. I just love the idea of having such a beautiful view from the home too. Unfortunately I do not have a water view but love my mountain view. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

  7. I love Japanese Maple trees. So beautiful and yours is no exception.

  8. That little tree is adorable. I love seeing the transition in the individual leaves.Love the sunset scenes as well and the ships.

  9. I like what you did with the leaf. You learned along the way by doing some research.

  10. Your Japanese Maple is really nice, John, interesting the study on the leaf. So fascinating the sunsets.
    Many greetings!

  11. twilight shots.....and I will always agree, Mother Nature is freakin' awesome

  12. Beautiful tree. Interesting what you did with the leaf. God knew what He was doing when he created us such a beautiful world. : )

  13. Love those maple leaves!

  14. I love fall and your leave and tree are beautiful. Being a Canadian. We see many of those trees. Beautiful day here today. Sunny. I am out the door.

  15. Beautiful photo looking over Elliott Bay Marina. I love the colors of the sky and water, add the ship in, and it's a perfect scene. The Japanese Maple is gorgeous! I enjoyed your close-ups of the leaf!


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