Sunday, February 26, 2017


Serenity is the theme for Postcards for the Weekend #26. From our collection we're sharing a card featuring Winter in Switzerland, art by Fritz Reiss. Not certain, but believe the postmark is January 6, 1913. Check out other Postcards for the Weekend and thanks to Maria for hosting.

We will be the first to say the picture of the little hummer is not photographically great. However, it does capture a moment of serenity for the little bird. We saw this hummer perched on a tree branch just yesterday (Feb 25th). It seems too early for hummers to return from their winter homes so this little one must have wintered-over here. We rushed to get the camera because it's unusual for hummers to stay in one spot long. Zoomed to the max, this is the best we could do. If only we had a camera on a scope standing by.

Matson SS Maui departing Port of Seattle early morning Feb 25, 6:57 AM. There must be some serenity for the crew knowing they've completed the loading process and setting out on their voyage to Hawaii.

Lastly, a serene sunset on Feb 24, 5:34 PM. Be sure not to miss the sailboat near the lower right corner, which helps give a little scale to the scene.

Closing thought ...
Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.
Thomas Szasz


  1. John, is that a house in the top photo? Beautiful scenes!

  2. Very serene to sailing home with just a zephyr of a wind across across that beautiful sunset

  3. The sunset over water in particular is "serene" to me :)

  4. Very interesting postcard at the top John! Quite a lovely snow scene.

  5. You don't often see a hummingbird still like that. Great capture.

  6. Ok,now which do I love the most? The Hummingbird,so tiny and so cute, the ships, the gorgeous sunset or the closing thought? I love them all and look forward to your future posts John.

  7. That little hummer is so sweet. I am already looking forward to when ours return.

  8. Hummers are tough little birds . The odd one stays here into late fall. Most of them go south about sept. 1

  9. On top of the postcard, your own snaps are all serene as well John!

    Monica @ The Dawn Treader missed the linky, to see her postcards for our theme serenity, please follow this link:

  10. Hello John, love the sweet hummer. Gorgeous sunset shots.
    The postcard is pretty, love the scene. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  11. I think you did incredibly well to capture that hummer as well as you did. And I love your serene post, especially that quote at the end. :-)

  12. So beautiful - especially that hummer!

  13. I love that closing quote. I'm going to share it. :)
    These photos spell serenity indeed.

  14. I love the picture of the hummingbird, John :) among my most favorite of birds

  15. I think the Hummer photo was a brilliant catch . . .
    I have often thought . . .
    Oh my . . . rest those precious feather like wings . . .
    Maybe they were listening . . . and found some 'serene'
    How fortunate you were able to catch the picture.

  16. I love the postcard you chose for the theme, John. The snow always gives me the feeling of serenity.


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