Sunday, March 26, 2017

Skies / Spring / Postcards / Shipping

Recent March Skies

March 20th  7:04 PM
(First Spring Sunset)

March 19th  3:36 PM

March 19th  3:42 PM

March 19th  3:16 PM

March 19th  2:42 PM

March 23rd  7:29 PM

March 20th  7:30 PM

Spring has Sprung 

One of four cards celebrating the seasons.
Artwork by St. John (no, not this John, ha ha)
Early 1900s.

Back of the unused card.
Google home page doodle on March 20th.

Clicking on the doodle landed us on this page.

Postcards for the Weekend #30

For Maria's Postcards for the Weekend we have chosen to share our card from New Zealand featuring Mitre Peak, Milford Sound. The theme for this weekend is a card "from a country you would want to live in if you have the chance/choice." If you enjoy postcards be sure to check out the link. Thanks to Maria for hosting.


(For first time visitors, we like to include something "maritime" in our posts as we are located near the waters of Puget Sound, Washington.)

Brand new fishing vessel Araho
undergoing initial testing near Pier 91

Another shot of the Araho
One website calls this a "Factory Trawler"

China Shipping Line's Bohai Sea
March 22nd  7:07 AM
Departing for Qingdao China
ETA April 5, 2017

How Vessel Finder helps identify ships and

Several Foss Tugs
tied up at Pier 90
March 19th

Bulk Carrier with loading underway.
Taurus Ocean
March 19th

Note the Emergency Lifeboat ready for launch.

Closing thought ...
After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.
     Italian Proverb


  1. Thanks for the Milford Sound postcard John! I'm pretty interested about New Zealand, too. Thanks so much also for the beautiful snap of that sailboat.

  2. Such peacefulness in these photos!

    "After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box."

    This really makes ya think.

  3. Hello, what a great post. I love all the pretty sky shots. The postcard from New Zealand is a pretty scene. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  4. Hello John, another interesting post . . . love the sailboat on the Sound . . . wish I was on it :)

  5. Your sunset photos have such fantastic color. I also enjoy the shipping photos as that is not something I see in my land locked state.

  6. Beautiful skies and all free.

  7. You know I enjoy all your posts, but this one seems extra special. That first sunset scene is a sure winner for me. I LOVE that shot.Each picture has something special about it.Wonderful post,John. Have a great week.I'm on a one week break from work,Spring Break.

  8. That March 20 sunset is spectacular, but as always I enjoyed your entire post, John. :-)

  9. Yes New Zealand always looks stunning, it would be on my list of places to live too. You've had a busy shipping week, I always enjoy looking at where vessels are going to and from.

  10. I love the picture for March 23rd with the tree on it. And the glowing sky. So nice.

  11. Wow! That is a gorgeous group of sky photos. All the rest are also great. That new fishing boat must have cost a pretty penny.

  12. Loved your shot of the sailboat, and I enjoyed your photos of the other boats as well.

    The last quote is thought provoking, and it does have some truth. People think how important they are in life is so important...but dust they are and to dust they will return.


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