Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sunny Skies Return

Welcome to John's Island

Sky Watch

Sunset over the Olympic Mountains
April 22nd  7:56 PM

This past week saw sunny, dry, warm weather return to Seattle after a long rainy spell. Among the many benefits ... getting some new sky photos. Linking up with Skywatch Friday where you can see lots more sky photos. Thanks to Yogi for hosting!

Interesting sky colors
April 24th  8:05 PM

Looking across Puget Sound on a wall-to-wall blue sky day.
April 23rd  12:44 PM
The mountain in the center is known as The Brothers.
The more I look at it the more I think I can see the face
of a sleeping giant. Do you see it? Or, maybe
I should cut back on the coffee.  :-)

Postcard Department

Known as a "silk postcard" this 100-year-old postcard was hand crafted with silk threads. The occasion was the celebration of the end of World War I. It was made in and is a souvenir of Belgium. These old silk cards are rare! This was the closest fit we could find in our collection for this week's theme at Postcards for the Weekend ..."Patterns and Prints"  Thanks to Maria for hosting the link-up!

1918 Handmade Silk Postcard
Souvenir of Belgium
End of World War I

Ship Watch

Three larger vessels in this shot on April 26th  9:50 AM
In the foreground, the KOGO Charter Yacht at Elliott Bay Marina
At anchor, in the middle:  The Semiramis Bulk Carrier
Arriving in the distance, the OOCL Vancouver Container Ship

A closer look at the Vancover as she arrived
April 26th  10:01 AM
For a ship this big you need to be at a distance
to get it all in one frame with the camera.
Each container will easily hold a car.
Actually, 4 cars can be put in 1 container.
See the YouTube video below!

Passenger vessel Victoria Clipper enroute to Victoria BC
High-speed passenger-only ferry service
runs daily Seattle to Victoria and back.
The ship can accomodate up to 324 passengers and
typically completes the 70-nautical mile trip in under 3 hours.
April 23rd  8:07 AM

Clipper Race Around the World Departs Tomorrow

Official Race Souvenir Magazine
Picked this up at Bell Harbor Marina
where Clippers have been taking a break this week.
A visit to Bell Harbor Marina this past week was most interesting. The vessels in the Clipper Race Around the World are moored there while they are taking a break between legs of the world wide journey. To see the kind of conditions they endure check out the short video below from YouTube. The vessel in the video is the one which won the 6th Leg of the journey from China to USA. The Clippers will depart Seattle tomorrow (April 29th) for the 7th Leg -- Seattle to New York City via Panama Canal. They are scheduled to arrive in New York City in June.

For all kinds of additional info check out the official website Clippers Around the World.

She Shall Decide

While going through the collection here of vintage memorabilia I found the following item to be timely and worth sharing. This is a cover for an advertising booklet put out by Good Year Tire Company in 1916. The past year has seen greater emphasis on the movement for equality for women. At least one large corporation had the right approach over one hundred years ago. Way-to-go Good Year!

Closing thought via an antique poster ...
Carefulness or Carelessness - safety or sorrow - take your choice!
     Bill Jones

Thank you for stopping by John's Island


  1. Hello John, this is a wonderful post, with nice and interesting images.
    Many greetings from Turin!

  2. Hello John, I love the sunset photo, gorgeous capture. The views of the sound and the ships are wonderful. The silk postcard is pretty. I also appreciate the comment and visit. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  3. John I really like the photos you show each week, it gives an onsite to another part of the world

  4. Good eye on the sky shots. I live in a very nice neighborhood but I don't see sunsets on the horizon. I miss the sunsets we'd see on the open prairie. In the harbor shots I noticed the marina with hundreds of smaller boats.

  5. Your blog posts are so comprehensive, John, I can barely decide what comments I want to make. Of course, I always choose mountains, oceans, and ships: three things I miss most from my life in British Columbia. The prairie here is nice, but it isn't the Pacific Ocean. (And yes, I can see the Two Brothers!)
    I hope you are well and happy.
    All the best, K
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Another great post . . . I'm especially fond of the embroidered postcard. There is a lot of detail in those stitches :)
    Have a wonderful day!
    Connie :)

  7. I enjoyed this post , as I always do when I visit John's Island. I especially love the homemade 1918 sign. You sure do have quite the collection. :-)

  8. What a beautiful golden sky.
    The 1918 silk post card is beautiful and amazing that it is so old.

  9. Beautiful sky scenes, mountains and large ships with mountain backgrounds and interesting videos.I think this was a fabulous post.

  10. But of course, that silk postcard is perfect for the theme! Thanks for sharing, John. It prompts me to go back reading a book I started in Aug last year called The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. Thanks for sharing John and for wishing me a fast recovery.

  11. You take wonderful photos. Those sky photos are great. Thank you.

    God bless.

  12. what a SPIRITUAL shots dear John!

    how interesting this handmade card is!

    wonderful ships floating in the heart of sea

  13. Wow, yes that silk postcard must be really rare!

  14. Lot's of great photos and interesting narrative.
    LOVE those sky photos John!

  15. That postcard is very special. and very entertaining to discover all the flags!

  16. She Shall Decide... does that mean the wife picks out the car? ;-) haha. The year being 1916 makes me think it must mean that.

    The sea video made me a little woozy!

    As always, love the photos.

  17. Thank you so much for visiting me today, John, and writing so kindly on my blog. I have responded there.

    God bless you.

  18. Always something special above those blue water blue skies days photos with a range of white capped mounting in the distance.... :)

  19. Hello John...... I just came here to check on your past posts as I don't see anywhere here to "follow" you! Love all of your ships posts, and this one especially with the Clipper ships and the video of the storm. That was scary! And yes.... I too see the sleeping giant on the Brothers Mountain... really neat. When I drive the Columbia River Gorge from The Dalles to Vancouver, there is a mountain on the way that is the perfect image of an Indian Chief! Love it. I always enjoy seeing all of your vintage postcards. In one of your other posts, you had one of the dome cars on the trains. I traveled on a train in the early 1950's from Portland, OR back to Iowa... at age 8 or so... and my sister and I just LOVED riding in the scenic dome car! Brings back such good memories. Your sky photos too are just stunning! Marilyn


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....